
Jökull - 01.07.2003, Side 12

Jökull - 01.07.2003, Side 12
de Ruyter de Wildt et al. For the 2 m windspeed ( ) the picture is differ- ent. For some stations where the katabatic forcing is strong (U3, A4, U8, U9 and R4),    is 0.2 to 0.3. However, the uncertainties are large for these sta- tions and even larger for the other stations, which dis- play no significant sensitivities. We therefore do not develop a parameterization for  . Instead we use the mean wind speed in the free atmosphere, as measured by the radiosondes. For U3, R2 and R4 this results in a mean wind speed that is much too low, while for I6 it is much too high (Table 2). The former three stations lie at the very margin of the ice cap and experience strong katabatic winds. They represent, however, only a very small part of Vatnajökull. I6 is situated near nunataks that probably provide shelter from the wind. Table 2. Differences between mean observed and mean simulated daily mean values of 2 m temp- erature (  ) and windspeed (  ) during the 1996 experiment. – Meðaltalsmismun- ur mælds og reiknaðs dagsmeðaltals loft- hita og vindhraða í 2 m hæð sumarið 1996. Station Altitude (m)  (K)  (m/s) U3 165 0.12 -1.57 A4 279 0.23 -0.44 A5 381 0.38 0.52 I6 715 1.17 1.15 R6 820 1.19 0.04 R4 830 0.27 -1.15 U9 870 1.13 -0.38 R2 1100 0.60 -1.30 R5 1140 0.30 -0.18 U8 1210 0.10 -0.29 U7 1530 0.46 0.54 R3 1715 0.02 0.36 Cloudiness Cloudiness was observed every three hours close to U2 in the south and less regularly near R5 in the north. Mean values of cloudiness for these two stations and for the stations in Hornafjörður and KIR are shown in Table 3. More information about the mean cloudiness can be gained by assuming the cloud observations of station U2 to be valid for all stations and then compar- ing mean calculated with mean observed global radi- ation. The correspondence is good for most stations (Figure 6). Table 3. Mean observed cloudiness (< >) for several locations and periods. – Meðaltal skýjahulu á ýmsum athugunarstöðvum. Station Altitude <n> summer <n> summer (m) 1996 1966–1996 U2 50 0.750 R5 1140 0.694 Hornafj. 0 0.803 0.808 KIR 35 0.764 0.764 Figure 6. Mean observed (circles) and simulated (crosses) values of the global radiation over Vatna- jökull as a function of altitude. In order to minimize errors in the observations, measurements correspond- ing to high solar zenith angles (>80Æ) were not used for this comparison. – Mæld (hringir) og reiknuð (krossar) sólgeislun í mismunandi hæð á Vatnajökli. Some stations have large deviations, which are most likely caused by an erroneous cloud factor. Other factors in equation 2 cannot produce such large deviations. For U9, U10, R1, R3 and R6 the cal- 10 JÖKULL No. 52, 2003



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