
Jökull - 01.07.2003, Side 26

Jökull - 01.07.2003, Side 26
Leó Kristjánsson Table 1. Primary remanence directions and intensities in “gray basalt” lavas, in Reykjavík and surroundings. – Segulstefnur í Reykjavíkurgrágrýtinu. a. Sampling in 1964 (WG) and 1973–1974 Site, Locality on Lat. Lon. n D I Æ J Figure 1 1:50000 map 64Æ+ 338Æ+ samples deg. deg. deg. deg. A/m 8 WG 3–10 Öskjuhlíð .131 .076 16 3 68 3 4 - 14 KA 0,1,2 Álfsnes .196 .246 12 53 62 3 5 2.8 23 KB 1–4 Garðabær .030 .062 16 1 67 3 6 2.9 5 KC 1 Leirdalur .122 .258 4 44 63 2 2 5.2 - KC 2,3 " " " 7 52 82 3 4 5.5 20 KD 1,2 Setberg .070 .067 7 357 77 2 2 4.1 25 KG 1,2,3 Nónhæð .100 .098 12 354 64 2 3 3.2 28 KH 1,2 Heiðmörk .052 .158 8 354 62 3 4 11.3 18 KI 1,2 Hafnarfj. .059 .017 7 342 77 3 4 3.7 19 KK 1,2,3 " .063 .004 12 351 75 2 3 4.4 6 KQ 1,2,3 Lækjarbotnar .079 .356 12 8 64 2 4 8.0 - KQ 4 " " " 4 342 80 4 3 2.4 7 KZ 1,2,3 L.-Lyklafell .081 .454 12 15 73 2 3 3.0 b. Sampling in 1982–1984 (RE), 1992 (ML) and 2001 (SU) 12 RE 1,2 Ártúnshöfði .131 .169 8 4 62 3 4 1.8 30,4 RE 3,4,6 Höfðab.; Kotás .115 .173 .096 .319 12 6 82 2 4 2.6 26 RE 5 Breiðholt .111 .200 4 2 66 4 3 2.1 32 RE 7 Gunnarsholt .083 .322 4 357 64 4 3 6.7 27 RE 8, 9 Heiðmörk .073 .224 9 336 83 2 2 1.3 24 RE 10 Arnarnes .097 .075 7 342 73 5 6 4.8 1 RE 20 Mosfellsbær .167 .311 3 16 64 3 1 1.2 3 RE 21 Kýrgil, Mosfell .188 .394 3 328 81 2 1 7.2 2,29 RE 22,23 Leirvogsá r. .205 .390 .202 .533 6 56 63 6 7 3.9 15 RE 24 Saltvík inlet .211 .198 3 33 65 8 4 3.5 21,22 RE 25,26 Álftanes road .084 .056 .089 .018 7 359 68 6 7 3.9 31 RE 27 Dike ? Dysjar .082 .004 3 346 73 4 2 10.1 16 RE 28,29 Grímsnes .048 .030 6 45 76 6 6 2.7 17 RE 30-32 Ásfjall .051 .056 9 351 77 3 4 8.6 9 ML 1,2,3 Laugarnes .159 .115 10 356 66 2 3 2.4 10 SU 1 " .155 .121 5 336 63 5 4 1.7 13 ML 4,5,6 Grafarvogur .134 .186 10 7 65 2 4 2.2 c. South-southeast of Mikligarður mall, in 1988. Locality 64.1367ÆN, 338.1572ÆE 11 MI 0 Low-tide outcrop (Fig. 3b) 7 101 28 5 7 0.5 - MI 1 Lava under sediment 4 74 65 5 5 0.8 - MI S Sediment under lignite 4 8 77 4 4 0.7 - MI 2 Lava above lignite (Fig. 3a) 4 352 65 3 3 1.9 Legend: D declination, east of north I inclination, positive down n number of samples averaged (after rejection of a few discordant ones) 95% confidence angle for the mean direction Æ angular standard deviation of fields J remanence intensity after 10 mT AF treatment 24 JÖKULL No. 52, 2003



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