

Jökull - 01.01.2015, Blaðsíða 7

Jökull - 01.01.2015, Blaðsíða 7
Structure and tectonic position of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano, S-Iceland HISTORICAL ACTIVITY AND SYMPATHETIC BEHAVIOUR OF KATLA Eyjafjallajökull is only a moderately active volcano. Only four episodes of activity are known since Iceland became inhabited in the ninth century, one of which is only known from geological evidence. It is remark- able that all the episodes have been accompanied by some activity or unrest at the neighbouring, and much more active, volcano Katla. In most cases this sym- pathetic reaction has been small, even insignificant. But the possibility that Eyjafjallajökull could trigger a large Katla eruption is intriguing in light of the gener- ally dangerous behaviour of Katla (e.g. Larsen, 2000; Óladóttir et al., 2005, 2008). The known episodes are the following: Around 920: No written documents exist of these eruptions. Stratigraphy of flood deposits and tephra on the NW-flank of Eyjafjallajökull indicate that an eruption of Eyjafjallajökull occurred synchronously with an eruption of Katla about the year 920 AD (Óskarsson, 2009). The most likely eruption site is a 4.5 km long radial fissure, Skerin, that extends from the summit down the flank to the WNW (Figure 3). The eruption was a mixed eruption, the lower part erupted alkali basalt and the upper part produced tra- chyte. Intermediate compositions also were produced. 1612–1613: The interpretation of historical doc- uments on eruptive activity in 1612–13 has changed considerably with time. In his compilation of written documents on eruptions of Katla, Thorarinsson (1975) found two contradictory entries. One mentions erup- tion in Eyjafjallajökull, the other eruption and jökul- hlaup from Katla. He dismissed the Eyjafjallajökull entry as erroneous and only lists eruption of Katla that year. Thoroddsen (1925) only lists an eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in 1612, beginning on October 12. In her tephrochronological studies Larsen (1978) finds evidence for tephra from both volcanic systems con- sistent with eruptive activity in 1612-1613. Contem- porary description by a Czech traveler, Daniel Vetter (Vetter, 1983, Jónsson and Sigurðsson, 2010) strongly suggest an eruption of Eyjafjallajökull. So apparently there were small eruptions in both volcanoes. There still is no tephrochronological evidence to indicate which volcano erupted first, Eyjafjallajökull or Katla. 1821–1823: An eruption began on December 19, 1821, apparently in the western part of the sum- mit caldera of Eyjafjallajökull (Thoroddsen, 1925; Larsen, 1999). It continued with varying intensity for several months, accompanied by moderate ash- fall and jökulhlaups. Increased intensity was noted in June 1822 and eruptive activity was documented well into the year 1823. On June 26, 1823, Katla began erupting after a 68-year repose (Larsen, 2000). The eruption was explosive and originated in the SE part of the caldera (Figure 3). It lasted 28 days and pro- duced jökulhlaups for most of that time. It ranks as a moderately small Katla eruption, if compared to the eruptions of 1721, 1755, and 1918. 1994–2011: No activity is known in Eyjafjalla- jökull following the end of the 1823 activity. Seismic network installed in South Iceland after 1973 shows that no significant activity took place in Eyjafjalla- jökull (e.g. Einarsson and Brandsdóttir, 2000) until 1992 when a flurry of microearthquakes was recorded. The seismicity increased significantly in 1994 and was associated with upheaval of the SE-flank of the volcano (Sturkell et al., 2003; Dahm and Brandsdóttir, 1997; Jakobsdóttir, 2008; Pedersen et al., 2007). Ped- ersen and Sigmundsson (2004) interpreted the infla- tion bulge as the result of a sill intrusion at the depth of about 4.6 km. A slightly larger sill intrusion occurred in 1999 (Pedersen and Sigmundsson, 2006; Sturkell et al., 2003). This sill was horizontally offset from the 1994 sill and at a greater depth, about 6 km. The intru- sion began in July and lasted several months. At the same time unrest was detected at Katla. A small jök- ulhlaup issued from the Sólheimajökull outlet glacier on July 18, presumably caused by a small subglacial eruption at the SW rim of the Katla caldera (Guð- mundsson et al., 2007). Inflation of the caldera re- gion followed, accompanied by large increase in seis- micity, both in the caldera and the Goðabunga seis- micity cluster on the W-flank of Katla (Sturkell et al., 2003, 2008, 2009). Increase in geothermal activity in the caldera and along its rims was also noted and documented (Guðmundsson et al., 2007). This unrest came to an end in 2004 or 2005. The next chapter in the development was the intrusion of the third sill beneath Eyjafjallajökull in 2009, indicated by uplift JÖKULL No. 65, 2015 7
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Tengja á þessa grein: Structure and tectonic position of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano, S-Iceland

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