

Jökull - 01.01.2015, Blaðsíða 75

Jökull - 01.01.2015, Blaðsíða 75
Marine climate variability from Arnarfjörður, NW Iceland ICEGC FC EIC NIIC NAC PW 65 °N 60 °N 55 °N 40°W 30°W 20°W 10°W 0°W A) Iceland Great Britain Greenland Depth (m) Denmark Strait 0 2000 4000 5000 3000 1000 70 °N C) B) Figure 1A). Map of the main surface currents around Iceland (PW = Polar water, EGC = East Greenland Current, EIC = East Icelandic Current, NIIC = North Icelandic Irminger Current, IC = Irminger Current, NAC = North Atlantic Current, FC = Faroe Current). B) Location map of the Vest- firðir Peninsula showing the study site Arnarfjörð- ur and the highland area Gláma, D = Dýrafjörður, T = Tálknafjörður. C) Multibeam measurements from Arnarfjörður (www.hafro.is). The location of core A2010-10-586 is shown with a purple dot, B = Borgarfjörður, L = Langanes and S = Suður- firðir. – A) Hafstraumar í kringum Ísland. B) Yfir- litskort af Vestfjörðum, Arnarfjörður og hálendis- svæðið Gláma. C) Fjölgeislamælingar frá Arnar- firði (www.hafro.is). Staðsetning kjarnans er sýnd með fjólubláum punkti. packed and brought to the Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland, for initial processing, descrip- tion and subsampling. Lithology and sedimentology Core A2010-10-586 was split into five units (A-E). Apart from the upper most 30 cm, no clear changes in color or structure could be seen by the naked eye. The X-rays, however, revealed some variations in grain size, with much finer grain size in the lower part of the core. The lower part of the core also contained higher abundance of mollusks whereas the middle and upper parts contained more of coarser grained material. The top 30 cm of the core was much darker and more liq- uefied than the rest of the core. JÖKULL No. 65, 2015 75
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