

Jökull - 01.01.2015, Blaðsíða 55

Jökull - 01.01.2015, Blaðsíða 55
Seismicity beneath Þeistareykir, NE-Iceland 0 4 8 12 16 20 D ep th b .s .l. [k m ] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Seismic velocity [km/s] VpVs Tested profiles SIL model Krafla regional VELEST model 0 4 8 12 16 20 D ep th b .s .l. [k m ] −17˚00' −16˚50' −16˚40' Longitudea) b) Figure 3. a) Regional seismic SIL velocity model used for automated event localization (Stefánsson et al., 1993) and 1D P-wave velocity model obtained with VELEST using our data with Vp/Vs=1.78. b) Final hypocenter locations (crosses) of selected earthquakes around Þeistareykir. Horizontal and vertical bars show the loca- tion error estimated by calculating the hypocenter locations with either the SIL or VELEST velocity model. Colored scatter points mark the sampled probability density function locations. Dashed lines represent the 68% error contours and the black dot the hypocenter with the highest location likelihood. – a) Þrjú hraða- snið P- og S-bylgna. Gráskyggt svæði afmarkar þau hraðasnið sem prófuð voru til skjálftastaðsetninga. SIL hraðasniðið (grænt) er notað af Veðurstofu Íslands. Til samanburðar er hraðasnið fyrir Kröflu (blátt) skv. Schuler og fl. (2015) og VELEST hraðasniðið sem var notað. b) Nákvæmi í staðsetningum jarðskjálfta við Þeistareyki. Krossar tákna mismun á skjálftastaðsetningum með VELEST og SIL hraðalíkönunum en brotalína 68% skekkjumörk 5000 staðsetninga sem reiknaðar voru með þéttifallsnálgun samkvæmt NonLinLoc forritinu. Table 1. VELEST velocity model for Þeistareykir best fitting our limited dataset. Note that the 1D model is not well constrained in the uppermost part (< 2 km) and below about 6 km depth below sea level (b.s.l.). An aver- age Vp/Vs ratio of 1.78 was estimated from Wadati diagrams using the discussed 153 earthquakes. – VELEST hraðalíkanið sem notað var til staðsetningar jarðskjálftanna. Líkanið er nákvæmast á 2–4 km dýpi. Depth b.s.l. (km) Vp (km/s) -0.70 1.63 0.00 3.35 1.00 4.64 2.00 4.90 3.00 6.16 4.00 6.51 6.00 6.67 9.00 6.85 20.00 7.30 tribution of recorded earthquakes. This is mainly the case in the shallow part (< 2 km) and below 5–6 km depth b.s.l.. A significant difference between our best velocity model and the SIL model is observed at 2–5 km depth b.s.l., where higher velocities in our model led to more robust solutions. We further refined the locations using the travel- time differences code hypoDD2.1 (Waldhauser and Ellsworth, 2000) with their relative locations overlain in Figure 1. Confirmation of correctly picked P- and S-wave arrivals of the deep events was obtained by constructing record sections (e.g. Figure 2). JÖKULL No. 65, 2015 55
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