
Jökull - 01.01.2015, Blaðsíða 64

Jökull - 01.01.2015, Blaðsíða 64
Sigurðardóttir et al. 55 21 36 4733 (60) 78 31 105 114 41 40 (14) 32 60 (77) 72 101 122 110 25 m 12 m 18-25 m 8 m Álftaver lava field Ha Hj D ýralæ kir 63 º2 5’ N 18º45’W 0 4 18º30’W 63 º3 0’ N C A B Boreholes VES (128) M úlakvísl D km Figure 3. Loose sediment thickness on Mýrdalssandur from vertical electrical soundings (VES, Thorarinsson and Gud- mundsson, 1979) and research boreholes on the Álftaver lava field (Vegagerðin, 2013). At each VES the numbers give sandur thickness estimates while at loca- tions A, B, C and D, lava thickness is given. Ha: Hafursey, Hj: Hjörleifshöfði. – Fyrri rannsóknir á þykkt Mýrdalssands. Viðnámsmælingar eru merktar með svört- um punkti með þykkt í metrum fyrir ofan hvern punkt. Rannsóknarborholur gegn- um Álftavershraunið eru merktar með grænum punkti ásamt þykkt hraunsins fyrir svæði A, B, C og D. was based on one magnetic profile surveyed south of Skálm in 1999 by students at the University of Iceland on a field course in geophysics. The present work was aimed at exploring this issue through surveying and analysing a series of magnetic profiles. METHODS In total 14 magnetic profiles were measured across the area where the western margin of the Álftaver lava field was expected to be located (Figure 4). The lo- cation of the profiles was pre-determined, with profile length varying from 1 to 15 km. The profiles were set approximately perpendicular to the expected edge of the lava flow. The total length of the profiles is ∼75 km. A GSM-19T v7.0 automatic proton mag- netometer was used in the survey. It has a <0.1 nT sensitivity, 0.01 nT resolution and 1 nT absolute accu- racy (GEM systems, 2010). Most of the profiles were measured on foot. However, the western most parts of profiles 4, 5 and 8, total length of ∼24 km, were mea- sured over snow with the magnetometer mounted on a wooden sledge pulled 4 m behind a car driven across the plain. A handheld GPS instrument was used for positioning of the profiles but the magnetometer has an inbuilt GPS with differential correction yielding position accuracy of 1 m. Measurements were done at 2 sec intervals with the total magnetic field in nT and the GPS position measured. The sensor was placed 2 m above the surface with the GPS antenna one meter higher, at 3 m height. Measurements done on foot took a total of 8 days in June, September and October of 2013. The part measured by car was done in one day in March of 2014. Days for measurements were carefully chosen to avoid any high amplitude variations due to mag- netic storms (Geophysical Institute, 2014; Leirvogur Magnetic Observatory, 2014). In addition, survey- ing was only done during fairly dry weather since the study area is an outwash plain and in very wet weather rivers can be impossible to cross by foot. Corrections for diurnal variations (<100 nT) were not considered to be needed as the anomalies studied are orders of magnitude larger. Topographic corrections were not used as the survey area is flat and without appreciable topography that can give rise to anomalies. The principal aim of the study was to identify the edge of the Álftaver lava field beneath Mýrdalssandur as well as possible ledges within the flow. We de- termine the maximum depth to magnetic sources, in particular changes to source depth. After the profiles had been plotted, sections of individual profiles, with similar spacing of amplitudes (anomaly spatial fre- 64 JÖKULL No. 65, 2015
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