
Jökull - 01.01.2015, Side 66

Jökull - 01.01.2015, Side 66
Sigurðardóttir et al. Figure 5. An example of the application of the Peters half slope method for an anomaly in profile 4 (see Figure 4 for location). Maximum depth is estimated as the distance along the profile between the points where the slope is half the maximum slope divided by 1.6 (mean proportionality constant). In this exam- ple the half slope distance is 14 m, giving a maximum depth of 7 m when sensor height (2 m) has been sub- tracted. – Peters reglu beitt á segulfrávik í sniði 4. Fundin er fjarlægð eftir sniði milli punkta þar sem hallatala sviðstyrksins er helmingur mesta halla deilt með 1.6 (hlutfallsfasti). Hér er fjarlægðin 14 m sem gefur mesta mögulega dýpi niður á upptök um 7 m þegar hæð nemans (2 m) hefur verið dregin frá. RESULTS All profiles could be separated into 3 main groups ac- cording to their magnetic interpretation. First, profiles where a lava edge was detected, profiles where a lava edge was not detected and profiles where a clear seg- mentation cannot be identified. This last group indi- cates that more than one lava flow may be buried be- neath sediments in the north-eastern part of the survey area but they cannot be identified due to a lack of con- nection with known lavas. For further information of the magnetic interpretation see Sigurðardóttir (2014). Lava edge detected A buried lava edge beneath Mýrdalssandur was de- tected on profiles 4, 5, 8 and 11 (Figure 6), expressed by significant anomalies with amplitudes of a few hundred nT to the east of the assumed lava edge while they are largely absent on the western side. The lava edge is thought to be that of the Eldgjá lava flow. Depth estimations based on the Peters method show a significant depth decrease from a source at ∼100 m depth to a shallow source at ∼10 m depth. The mag- netic source becomes shallower to the east and north- east towards the visible lava flow on the surface. Lava ledges are also observed where the depth decreases significantly as the amplitude of anomalies increases and anomaly spatial frequency decreases to the east of the buried lava edge. The easternmost parts of the profiles are measuring the lava flow on the surface. Profiles 4, 5 and 8 go from Hafursey and the edge of Kötlujökull outlet glacier across Mýrdalssandur (see Figure 4 for location) and over the visible lava flow on the surface in the east. The western part of these profiles have smooth and wide anomalies indicating absence of significant sources of magnetic anomalies at shallow depth. According to the Peters method the anomalies observed in the westernmost part of the study area may originate from a magnetic source at more than 100 m depth. This could be a result of sed- iment thickness close to 100 meters. An alternative explanation would be that the depth to the bedrock is significantly less but that it is exclusively made up of hyaloclastite tuff which is known to have very low remanent magnetization (Kristjánsson and Jónsson, 2007; Gudmundsson and Milsom, 1997). A combi- nation of both is also possible. No lava edge detected Apparently, several of the profiles do not reach long enough to the west or southwest to detect the true edge of the Eldgjá lava. These are profiles 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 12 (Figure 6). They indicate relatively shallow magnetic sources (2–10 m) and are therefore considered to be underlain for their whole length by the lava flow. However, several of these profiles (1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10 and 12, see Figure 6) show evidence of a buried lava ledge where the lava flow is thinning towards the west, marked by an increase in anomaly amplitude and decrease in spatial frequency. 66 JÖKULL No. 65, 2015
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