Studia Islandica - 01.07.1966, Page 71

Studia Islandica - 01.07.1966, Page 71
69 RauSúlfs þáttr is found not only in some of these “interpo- lated” manuscripts, but also in some manuscripts that other- wise preserve a relatively pure text of Snorri’s saga. It is therefore the most frequently found interpolation, and evi- dently enjoyed great popularity in the thirteenth and four- teenth centuries.1 Of the manuscripts of Snorri’s separate Óláfs saga that have independent value for the purpose of textual criticism, only eleven still contain the relevant part of the saga (the rest are defective). These are divided by the editors into three groups according to the relationships between the texts of Óláfs saga they preserve.2 Some manuscripts belong to different classes in different parts of the saga, hut in the part where the story of Rauðúlfr is found they are classified as follows: Class A: St. 2 (St. perg. 4to nr. 2).3 Bœjarbók (AM 73 b, fol.).4 75 a (AM 75 a, fol.).5 Class B: 68 (AM68, fol.). 1 As well as in later tixnes, see ÖH 1130—31. The story of Rauðúlfr was made into a set of rímur, probably in the early 16th century (Rímna- safn, ed. Finnur Jónsson, Kobenhavn 1905—22, I 215—221); see Björn K. Þórólfsson, Rímur fyrir 1600, Safn Fræðafjelagsins IX (Kaupmanna- höfn 1934), pp. 464—465. Only a fragment of the heginning of these rímur survives, and it is difficult to see what they were like, but the use of both the names Rauðr and Rauðúlfr implies that the poem was based on one of the longer versions of the story, not Snorri’s where only the name Rauðr is used. 2 ÓH 1091—1114. Full descriptions of all these manuscripts are given in ÓH 879 ff. 3 Facsimile in Corpus Codicum Islandicorum Medii Aevi XV (Co- penhagen 1942). 4 This manuscript is fragmentary, but its text can be reconstructed from paper manuscripts derived from it when it was in a more complete state than it is in now, see ÖH 978 ff. 5 This manuscript is fragmentary, but the text of the lacunae can be supplied from the seventeenth century copy in 321 (AM 321, 4to), see ÓH 898 ff.


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