Rit Landbúnaðardeildar : A-flokkur - 01.10.1967, Blaðsíða 40

Rit Landbúnaðardeildar : A-flokkur - 01.10.1967, Blaðsíða 40
38 into 52 plant associations (see Appendix), 38 on well-drained and 14 on poorly-drained soils. The plant associations and the area covered by each in the separate commons are shown in Tables 4, 6 and 8, while a com- parison of the vegetation of the commons is shown in Table 9. Moss heath covers 40—50 per cent of the total vegetated area and is dominating at the upper limits of vegetation. At lower elevations on well-drained soils various species of dwarf shrubs and sedges gradually become dominating. Wetland vegetation is quite extensive. Plant associations dominated by plant species most palatable for sheep (grasses, forbs and some dryland sedges) cover only 2 per cent of the total vegetated area. There is reason to think that this is to a great extent the result of prolonged overgrazing and that the present vegetation only partly represents climax vegetation. The grazing value of the various plant associations is graded with a scale of 0-10. The grazing capacity of each common is expressed in „grazing units“ which are obtained my multiplying the grade of each association with its total area. These values are shown in Table 8. The average value for each common, that is the number of grazing units per hectare of vegetated land, coincide as a grazing value of 3 which shows their poor quality for the grazing of sheep. VIÐAUKI APPENDIX ÞURRLENDI Freely drained land Aji Mosaþemba Rhacomitrium heath A„ Mosaþemba með stinnastör Rhacomitrium heath with Carex Bigelowii A;1 Mosaþemba með Stinnastör og smárunnum Rhacomitrium heath with Carex Bigelowii and dwarf shrubs A4 Mosaþemba með smárunnum Rhacomitrium heath with dwarf shrubs A_ Mosaþemba með grösum Rhacomitrium heath with Graminae A6 Mosaþemba með þursaskeggi Rhacomitrium heath with Kobresia myosuroides A_ Mosaþemba með þursaskeggi og smárunnum Rhacomitrium heath with Kobre- sia myosuroides and dwarf shrubs As Mosaþemba með grösum og smárunnum Rhacomitrium heath with Graminae and dwarf shrubs B4 Krækilyng - f jalldrapi - bláberjalyng Empetrum hermafroditum - Betula nana- - Vaccinium uliginosum B„ Krækilyng - bláberjalyng - sauðamergur Empetrum hermafroditum - Vaccinium uliginosum - Loiseleuria procumbens


Rit Landbúnaðardeildar : A-flokkur

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