Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2021, Page 51
Tímarit Hins íslenska náttúrufræðifélags
5. mynd a. Skötuormar myndaðir í keri í Veiðivötnum í ágúst 2019. Regnhlífin skýlir
myndavélinni og kemur í veg fyrir gárur á vatninu. Takið eftir ljósgjafanum fremst á
myndavélalinsunni og penslinum sem var notaður til að fjarlægja loftbólur af dýrun-
um. – Photographing Arctic tadpole shrimps in a tank, Veiðivötn lake area, August
2019. An umbrella shelters the camera and prevents rippling of the water surface.
Note the light source on the tip of the camera lens, and the brush used to remove
air bubbles from the animals. Ljósm./Photo: Þorgerður Þorleifsdóttir.
5. mynd b. Skötuormur í keri bíður eftir að tökur hefjist. –
Arctic tadpole shrimp in a tank, waiting for shooting to start.
Ljósm./Photo: Wim van Egmond.
Shooting Arctic tadpole shrimps – a
field trip of photography and filming
In late summer 2019, the authors
went with the Dutch artist and photo-
grapher Wim van Egmond on a field
trip to the Veiðivötn lakes in the South
Iceland highlands, an area popular with
anglers. The trip was unusual in that the
intention was to photograph and film a
freshwater animal that only few people
have seen: the Arctic tadpole shrimp
(Lepidurus arcticus) which lives in lakes
and ponds around Iceland, primarily
in the highlands. For the first time in
Iceland, the Arctic tadpole shrimp was
filmed and photographed in its natu-
ral habitat and some of the photos are
included in this article. The field trip
was made under the auspices of the Ice-
landic Museum of Natural History.
The noted Dutch artist and photogra-
pher Wim van Egmond specialises in
photomicrography and stereoscopy of
small freshwater and marine organisms
and describes his vision thus: “Photogra-
phy is an unusual mixture of technique
and perception. The camera acts as a
surrogate eye, a mechanical observa-
tion-device that [...] enables us to capture
an image. I am particularly intrigued by
those aspects of photography that differ
from day to day perception. This is one
of the reasons why I have studied and
developed optical techniques that can be
used to increase the scope of our human
vision. I have always been inspired by
science and scientific imagery. I like to
operate in a field somewhere in between
art and science.”26
a Slóðir: nmsi.is – https://www.facebook.com/natturuminjasafnislands – Instagram: natturuminjsafnid.
6. mynd a. Undirbúningur fyrir myndatöku vatnalífvera í Veiðivötnum í ágúst
2019. Í litlu ílátunum þremur eru vatnaplöntur og vatnaskordýr sem bíða mynda-
töku. Ílátin eru heimatilbúin og úr plexigleri. – Preparing to photograph aquatic or-
ganisms, Veiðivötn lake area, August 2019. The three small tanks contain aquatic
plants and insects, waiting to be captured on camera. The tanks are homemade,
from plexiglass. Ljósm./Photo: Þorgerður Þorleifsdóttir.
6. mynd b. Wim við myndatökur vatnaskordýra innandyra.
Aukabúnaðurinn var einfaldur og litlu ílátin heimatilbúin. –
Wim van Egmond photographing aquatic insects indoors.
Basic accessories were used, and a homemade plexiglass
tank. Ljósm./Photo: Þorgerður Þorleifsdóttir.