AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.12.2004, Blaðsíða 41
are processed in a numerical flow
solver that does not account for the
vertical temperature gradient in the
atmosphere. This may e.g. result in
an underestimate of the wind speed
leeward of mountains. However,
when elevations differences are less
than approximately 200-300 m the
temperature gradient has minor
influence on the flow pattern. The
transferred wind roses should be
regarded as an approximation of the
difference between two spots, since
the technique assume that a par-
ticular wind speed and direction at
one spot is accompanied by a fixed
rotation in wind direction and a fixed
relative alteration in wind speed
at another spot, regardless of the
weather situation.
The method has already proved
successful in lceland. Wind maps
have been made for different pur-
poses, e.g. for estimation of strong
wind hazard and snow-drifting in
road planning, for research on traf-
fic safety due to strong winds, for
avalanche hazard estimation, for
investigation of snow-drifting around
an avalanche protection dam and
for planning of alpine ski-arena. Due
to increased demand for reliable
road transport and due to com-
petition amongst municipalities to
provide suitable developments, an
increased focus on climatic factors
such as wind and snow drifting can
be assumed for future projects. ■
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