AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.12.2004, Blaðsíða 45

AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.12.2004, Blaðsíða 45
In that area there are three schools and a large service and employment area. Almost the whole of Reykjavík, Kópavogur and Garðabær is within this ring. With a well planned system of primary bicycle roads a large part of the Capital Area would be in a good bicyle connection with this area. From this drawing can be seen how impor- tant it is to keep distances small between areas so that bicyclists and pedestrians are not exclud- ed from traffic improvements like the Sundabraut road. Primary network of bicycle roads lf there is a will to influence the modal split of people this can primarily be done through the journey to and from work and school. A pri- mary network of bicycle roads has therefore to connect the largest employment areas, central areas, traffic centres, universities and hospitals while a secondary smaller grid connects housing areas, primary schools and service centres in the districts. Demands to the primary network of bicycle roads are not dissimilar to those made to the primary road network. They have to create a continuous network, easily understood without unnecessary bends and curves. The surface must be level, gradient within acceptable limits and safe. This means that they have to be well lit, with good visibility and not through dubi- ous areas. Where primary bicycle roads cross the main road network an attempt should be made to grade separate vehicular traffic. It is important that the primary bicycle network is well maintained both during winter and summer. One must be able to trust that the roads will be cleared early in the morning and all dirt sweeped away regularly. The primary bicycle network must be designed for 30-40 km/hour speed. On the secondary network the design speed should be 15-20 km/hour. The situation today Despite beautiful promises made by local authorities to build a primary bicycle network to connect the local authorities in the Capital Area, precious little is done. This inactivity can partly be traced to unclear laws and regulations. The present Parliament will hopefully pass a bill aimed at finding a place for bicycling in the Transportation Act as an acknowledged mode of travel. When all is said and done, the choice of mode of travel is an individual choice. This can be influenced by what is offered. As long as the road system is endlessly expanded with the increase of traffic and there is enough of free parking at the end of each journey both with companies or public institutions there is lit- tle hope that people will change their mode of travel. You can't have it both ways. ■ Tryggðu öryggi þitt og heimilisins Á undanfömum ámm hafá íslendingar í auknum mæli gert sér grein fyrir því hve dýrmætt j^að er að hafk öryggismál sín í góðu lagi. Secu ritas hefur áralanga reynslu af þvr að þjóna jafht heimilum sem fýrirtækjum og býður upp á fjölbreyttar Iausnir. Innbrot Heimavörn Vaktar heimili þitt allan sólarhringinn fyrir innbrotum og eldi. Þú þarft því ekki að hafa áhyggjur af eigum þínum þegar þú ert að heiman. Eldvarnir Slökkvitæki — eldvarnarteppi — reykskynjarar geta bjargað mannslífum og verðmætum Öryggishnappurinn Færir viðkomandi aukið frelsi og dregur úr áhyggjum aðstandenda. Aldraðir, sjúkir og Hafið samband við öryggisráðgjafa Securitas í síma 580 7000 og láttu meta þörfina hjá þér. Öryggi í stað áhættu ! avs 45 SECURITAS
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AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag

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