Gripla - 2022, Blaðsíða 406
follows closely the Latin reformulation rather than the original German
edition. However, the possibility cannot be excluded that both a Latin and
a German version of the Promptuarium were consulted simultaneously for
the composition of the Icelandic text.
Most of the exempla in Nockrar eptertakanlegar smá historiur drawn
from the Promptuarium exemplorum concern parent–child relationships
and the education of children, as most of them are derived from the loci
communes of Precept IV (De impietate liberorum in parentes, De liberorum
pietate in parentes, De amore et indvlgentia parentum erga liberos, Poena immo-
rigerorum liberorum, De educatione, institutione & doctrina liberorum, De
parentibus dira liberis imprecantibus, De ira et severitate parentum erga liberos,
De gratitudine beluarum, Exempla ex Discipulo de tempore, De gratitudine et
ingratitudine).19 Only a select number describe historical and legendary
19 Exempla 1, 3, 5, 7, 12, 13, 15, 19, 20, 23, 24, 33, 34, 35, 37, 40, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 56, 60,
[149] Als der Koͤnig
Demetrius die Stat, darin
der Philosophus Stilpo
Megaricus gewohnet,
erobert hatte, vnd der
Philosophus gefangen vor
den Koͤnig bracht war,
fragt er jn, ob er auch
etwas von den Seinen
verloren hette? Sagt er,
nichts: Denn dieweil ich
meine Kunst vnd Lehr
noch habe, kan ich mich
noch dadurch ernehren,
vnd vnterhalten. Bruso
libro tertio, capite vigesimo
[387a] Demetrius, Anti-
goni filius, cum Megara
cœpisset, jussit Stilpontis
domum servari indem-
nem. Admonitus igitur
Stilpon, ut libellum daret
rerum omnium, quas
amisis[387b]set. Ego,
inquit, nihil bonorum
meorum amisi. Nam
eruditio, & eloquentia
mihi sunt incolumes,
quod hæc vere sunt œceja
(sic) hoc est, domestica,
propriaquæ bona.
[31r]* Laertius lib. 2, cap.
12 oc Seneca skrifa eina
merkelega historiu. Þa
Demetrius hafde unned
Megaram, befalade hann
sínum strídsmnum, ad
þeir skyldu þyrma húse
Stilponis philosophi, oc at
sá lærde mann skilde gefa
frá sier uppskrifad, hvad
hann hafe mist. Enn hann
svarade. Eg hefe eckert
mist af mínum avdæfum,
þvi ec hefe minn múnn
óskaddadan oc mínar
bóklegar lister. Þetta eru
mínar eiginlegar eigner.
Οικεία** Id est domes-
tica propriaque bona. Þad
er minn eiginlegr oc beste
* Wrongly paginated 149.
** Wronngly transcribed “OIKEIÆ”