Læknaneminn - 01.04.2007, Síða 127

Læknaneminn - 01.04.2007, Síða 127
Verkefni 3. árs læknanema af 15 þátttakendum í Scopoderm hópnum fundu fyrir ógleði (p=0.03). Einnig var marktækur munur á því hversu mikil- li ógleði þátttakendur í hópunum fundu fyrir (p=0.03), en miðgildið (median) í placebo hópnum var 2 (bil 1-5) á meðan miðgildið (median) í Scopoderm hópnum var 1 (bil 1-4). Munur á tíðni uppkasta á milli hópanna var ekki töl- fræðilega marktækur (6 af 17 í lyfleysuhópnum en 1 af 15 í Scopoderm hópnum, p=0.051) en hér getur verið um týpu 2 villu að ræða. Ekki var marktækur munur á milli hópanna í tíðni fylgikvilla (munnþurrks, sjóntruflana, þreytu og húðertingar). Endanlegar niðurstöður munu fyrst liggja fyrir þegar búið er að innrita alla sjúklinga í rannsóknina. Ályktun: Scopoderm forðaplásturinn virðist gagnlegur sem fyrirbyggjandi meðferð við ógleði í tengslum við kvið- arholsspeglanir. Kostir þessarar meðferðar eru að hún er langvinn, ódýr, auðveld í notkun og þolist vel. Miðað við óbreyttar niðurstöður mælum við með notkun scopolamin forðaplásturs sem fyrirbyggjandi meðferð við ógleði/upp- köstum hjá konum sem undirgangast kviðarholsspeglanir. Implementation of U5-clinics in the Monkey Bay area in Malawi Björg Jónsdóttir, stud.med.1, Geir Gunnlaugsson, Dr.Med. Sc., MPH1'2 ^University of Iceland Faculty of Medicine, 2Centre for Child Health Services, Reykjavík. Introduction: Annually about 10,6 million children die before they reach five years of age (U5s). Most deaths occur in low- income countries, especially sub-Saharan Africa. Common causes of death after the neonatal period are acute respiratory infections, diarrhea, measles and malaria, compounded by malnutrition in about half of the cases. There are known simple evidence-based preventive meas- ures that includes also e.g. immunization and vitamin A supplementation. The delivery of preventive services is growth monitoring with weighing of U5s. In many places access to such services is limited. Outreach programs that aim to reach U5s in rural areas are an important service component to facilitate access for the population. Since 2000, the Iceiandic International Development Agency (ICEIDA) has been giving support to strengthen the health services in the Monkey Bay area in southern Malawi. There are five health facilities in the area. All implement outreach programs aimed at U5s but include in some cases antenatal (ANC) and family planning (FP) services. In addition, U5s can attend so-called static sessions at each of the health facilities. The aim of this study is to describe and analyze implementation of U5- clinics in the Monkey Bay area with particular emphasis on the outreach services. Methods: The study was conducted in March-April 2006. Outreach and static sessions were observed. Data was extracted from attendance books to specially designed forms for the study for the period January 2005 to March 2006. Attending mothers were interviewed to get their opinion of the services. Data was computerized in FileMaker Pro and analyzed in Excel. Results: All health facilities had fixed schedules for static and outreach U5-clinics; two of the facilities included ANC and FP. For the observed period, 355 (74%) outreach sessions were conducted out of the 480 planned (range 71-93%) in all five facilities. Reasons given for missed sessions were e.g. iack of transport, rainy season with difficult access, bad roads and lack of staff. In total, 50,612 children attended the sessions and 36,321 (72%) were less than one year of age (Uls). Health talks were given in all observed sessions and engaged the mothers in songs that promoted the health of the child and the mother. A total of 45,686 vaccination doses were given to Uls in the research period and 2427 of vitamin A supplementation. About nine out of 10 children weighed had normal weight; however, in observed sessions the weighing was done with the children in their cloths. During the study period, 910 women attended ANC and 1797 FP sessions during outreach. Registration of each U5-clinic was incomplete in many cases, e.g. weight or sex of children was not registered. Mothers appreciated the opportunity to attend outreach services, in particular health education, growth monitoring and immunizations. Conclusion: U5-clinics in the Monkey Bay area are appreciated and reach many children. The sessions include evidence-based preventive services and the outreach brings such interventions to where people live, in rural villages with difficult access. There are fixed schedules for the implementation of U5-clinics; however, these are not always followed through. To improve implementation, transport of staff needs to be guaranteed and stock of vaccines sufficient for estimated number of attendees. Weighing routines should be revised in order to make growth monitoring more effective. Key words: Outreach clinics, preventive health services, maternal- and-child health, sub-Saharan Africa. Þéttnimælingar í mjúkum innanæða og veg- glægum kransæðaþykkildum hjá einstaklingum sem hafa farið í tölvusneiðmyndarannsókn. Brynja Vala Bjarnadóttir1, Birna Jónsdóttir2 1 Læknadeild Háskóla íslands, 2 Læknisfræðileg myndgreining Læknarieminn 2007 1 27
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