Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Síða 5

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Síða 5
THE BURIAL SITE OF VIÐ KIRKJUGARÐ . 9 vestigation further. On the basis of recent ex- cavations it seems that the right time may have come to reinvestigate the area. Beneath the old dyke, several stone fea- tures were recorded that due to their form, and not least their location in relation to the 1989 excavated graves, seem to indicate the presence of further graves. Confirmation of this hypothesis requires however that at least part of the old dyke be removed. The burials A total of 6 burials were investigated in 1989. Further 5 features, the almost certain K5C and four other likely graves, bring the num- ber of 1989 recorded graves to 11. This num- ber was further increased in 1990 by the dis- covery of J6G, the position of which indi- cates the possibility of yet another grave be- tween J6C and J6G. Speculation as to the to- tal number of burials is limited by the fact Fig. 4. The bay of Sandur. Photo: S.V. Arge 1989. Fig. 5. Flagged paving uncovered in 1972 as a result of investigations of the southeastern corner of the old churchyard. The dashed line indicates the approximate siting of the northern and eastern wall courses. The coin hoard discovered in 1863 is said to have been found about a meter west of X. North is up. See fig. 6, 4. From Krogh 1975. Photo: K.J. Krogh 1972. that we have no idea of the site’s northern and eastern limits. It seems fairly certain that the site continues under the old church- yard and a final estimation of it’s size must await eventual excavations within that area. However it seems likely that the burial site is quite extensive. Grave J5A A trough-shaped pit just under 1,5 meters long, containing the skeletal remains of an as yet undetermined person. The body had been interred on its right side with the knees raised. Several iron objects were found,
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