Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Qupperneq 7

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Qupperneq 7
THE BURIAL SITE OF VIÐ KIRKJUGARÐ 11 Fig. 7. A segment of the old churchdyke has been re- moved, revealing the presence of an older stone fea- ture — possibly the remains of an older dyke. Photo: N. Hartmann 1989. western end was clearly defined by the lar- gest stone of all, measuring all of 70 cms in length. The eastern end, on the contrary, was somewhat less distinct and marked by the presence of 1-3 larger stones. East of the grave lay a stone that had probably been placed as a marker in order to avoid any overlapping of the graves. Surprisingly, the body had not been in- terred within the supposed stone cist, but in a rounded rectangular pit ca. 30 cms below the bottom level of the stone frame. In other words the function of the stone setting was only to mark the presence and position of the actual burial. Along the whole southern length of the pit a distinctive, narrow, dark-colored impres- sion was recorded, interpreted as the remains of a wooden frame. A similar impression was recorded along the northern side of the pit. However, the discoloration was here regis- tered at a higher level and further could not be followed the whole length of the pit. It seems likely though, that the body had been buried in a simple wooden frame-coffin. No traces of a lid or stone cover were found. In the pit had been buried a young man around 18 years of age and ca. 180 cms tall. The dead man had been laid on his back and had been given his dagger, around which sil- ver thread was found entwined. The dagger had, in all probability, been sheathed and at- tached to his leather belt, fragments of which were recovered. A fragmentary strap- end was also found, shaped as an animal head with ears, eyes and nose. The corners of the mouth were also indicated. A piece of leather was found rivetted to the opposite end. During conservation the remains of a small pouch or purse were recovered, possi- bly a woven pouch containing a leather purse. Within the pouch lay three sets of plain lead weigths - each set consisting of a circular and a rectangular weight. In addi- tion, the pouch contained three small frag- ments of silver as well as a number of cor- roded bronze fragments. One of these was decorated with an interlaced motif. Finally, several small iron bits were found near the skeleton’s stomach region. Grave J6C On the surface, J6C consisted of a 1,9 meter long and 56 cms wide setting of water-worn stones. The western end of the feature had
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