Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Síða 19

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Síða 19
Problems Concerning the Earliest Settlement in the Faroe Islands Hans Jacob Debes PURPOSE In recent years it has become more diffi- cult to be a Faroese historian than it was before. Old solutions of difficult and and fundamental questions and problems in our history may have been undermined so as to make the historian less self-confident than he was earlier. However, in my opinion, this has not been a destructive development. On the contrary, this is an indication that there is growth in research in our country, not only in the dissipline of history, but also in re- lated sciences, especially in archaeology and natural sciences, in the connection especially botany. Research in our field is not only going on in our new university, Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, but also in institutions with which we co-operate, especially the National Museum, Føroya Fornminnissavn, the National Archives, Føroya Landsskjala- savn and the Museum of Natural History, Føroya Náttúrugripasavn. Also we are in close co-operation with Danish institutions and scholars. What I shall try to do in this paper is to give only a broad outline of the research Fróðskaparrit 38.-39. bók (1989-90): 23-34 and discussion of one of the main themes, perhaps the most interesting one, in our history: The problems concerning the ear- iiest settlement in the Faroe Islands, giving first my own presentation of the sources at our disposal, divided up into different (and simplified) categories, the general views of historians, archaeologists and natural sci- entists, stressing not only different views, but also the different starting-points re- sulting from different methods of work. Finally, I shall make a try at a provisio- nal conclusion as to the present state of research in the field, by summing up what to me seems inportant. »The Irish Question« It was only in the Romantic days of the 19th century that the Faroese began to try to find roots that were not Faroese. It was not enough just to be Faroese, members of a small and historically insignificant people, in the midst of their national awa- kening. They had to find some other and more exotic points of identification. Per- haps everyday life over the centuries had been too tedious — some »grandeur« was necessary!
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