Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Síða 20

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Síða 20
24 PROBLEMS CONCERNING THE EARLIEST SETTLEMENT . In or about 825 A. D. an Irish Scholar, learning and teaching at the court school of Charlemagne at Aachen (Aix-la-Cha- pelle) finished a learned compilation of the most advanced knowledge of geography of his time. Liber de mensura orbis terrae. The only new knowledge he had to add was the information of some obscure is- lands situated in the ocean north of Brita- in. They had been deserted (»deserta«) since the beginning of the World. After having described a country that must have been Iceland he relates: There are many other islands in the ocean north of Britain which can be reached from the northern is- lands of Britain in a direct voyage of two days and nights with full sails filled with a continuously favo- urable wind. A devout priest told me that in two summer days and the intervening night he sailed in a two-benched boat and entered one of them. There is another set of small islands, nearly all separated by narrow stretches of water; in these for nearly a hundred years hermits sailing from our country Scotia (Ireland) have lived. But just as they were always deserted from the beginning of the world, so now because of the Northern pirates (»causa latronum Normannorum«) they are emp- tied of anchorites, and filled with countless sheep and very many diverse kinds of sea-birds. I have never found these islands mentioned in [the books of] the authorities (»in libris auctorum memo- ratas«).' These are the words of the learned Dicuil who may have come from northern Ireland or from northern Scotland.2 There are, however, other Irish sources that can, if not prove, then make likely, Dicuil’s statements. There exist also pre- Dicuilian indications of Irish discoveries in the ocean to the north of Scotland, making at least likely that they had, as the first seamen of the North, discovered the is- lands which were later to become known as the Faroe Islands, i.e. the sheep islands.3 I shall try for a while to return to sources and literature to make these indications if not clear, then credible. In a sensational lecture, at least for his time, presented before a learned audience in 1891, the German professor of Greifs- wald, Heinrich Zimmer, gave his views »Úber die frúhesten Beruhrungen der Iren mit den Nordgermanen«.4 What is inter- esting in his lengthy elucidation is that the contact between »die Germanen«, in our sense the Nordic peoples, with peoples not only of Celtic/Gaelic descent, but also with an amalgamation of peoples of Gaelic and Pictish descent, began much earlier than later historians have imagined. His state- ments have been severely criticised, first by Finnur Jónsson,5 later by F. T. Wain- wright as »unsupported speculation«, hav- ing confused »several subsequent wri- ters«.6 It has been a commonplace in North At- lantic history that the Irish - who other- wise in no way were a seafaring people - nevertheless developed a tradition for sail- ing. One wonders whether most of the voyages related, many of them totally leg- endary and far from any believable reality are not invented instruments, necessary to illustrate sinful man’s search for Heaven and Paradise. To concrete-thinking Medieval man such Promised Lands must have some geographical location in order to give any meaning. Christian life as a troublesome journey towards eternity sur- vived the Middle Ages. To what extent this legendary material can be used as historical evidence has to be carefully re-considered, especially in the
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