Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Qupperneq 22

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Qupperneq 22
26 PROBLEMS CONCERNING THE EARLIEST SETTLEMENT . culture, especially manifest in the lang- uage, must be considered to be of a later date, and without any connection with the »Imrama«, the voyages of devout Christi- ans seeking solitude for contemplation while awarting a better World in the sense of eternity,11 or, searching for Paradise in its physical, earthly, sense. The presence in Faroese waters of Basq- ue fishermen or whalers, at this point of time, must left for further research.12 Færeyinga Saga Until recently traditional works on the ear- ly history of the Faroe Islands have conn- ected the first Norse settlement with King Harald Fairfair’s seizure of power in the last years of the 9th century. The main so- urce for this supposition was Færeyinga saga, written in Iceland, probably on the basis of old oral tradition, at about 1220, preserved and handed down to the present as fragments of other sagas.13 Færeyinga saga relates nothing about any earlier Irish settlement — as do, in the case of Iceland, tslendingabók and Landnámabók.14 The main theme in Færeyinga saga is not the question of the Faroese landnám, but the efforts made by Norwegian kings to extend their powers also to comprise the Faroe Islands, practicing a talented di- vide and rule policy among the families of chiefs. But the saga mentions by name the first man who settled in the islands, Grímr Kamban — the first name significantly be- ing of Norse, the second of Scottish-Gaelic origin.15 The fact that Landnámabók co- unts Grímr’s grandson among the first colonists in Iceland spoils the chronology of the saga - and the traditional Icelandic casual relations at large.16 Recent studies in the saga material have made new interpretations possible and cre- dible, thus eliminating all sure evidence of simultaneous Norwegian settlements in the Faroe Islands and Iceland.17 It has been pointed out by Dr Ólafur Halldórsson, in his significant new edition of Færeyinga saga, that this saga had been preserved for a long time in oral tradition before it was written down.18 Neverthe- less, there are so many correct references, especially geographical terms, to the Faroe Islands, that it must somehow have had a Faroese background. Chronologically it can date the coming of the first Faroese Landnám-man back to about or a little after 800. We are then in good harmony with Dicuil’s dating of the coming of the first Norse or Norwegian »invaders. Dr Halldórsson’s well-founded choice of the version of Ólafs saga Tryggvasonar instead of that of Flateyjarbók as the source about the first settlement has thus eliminated a logical historical vacuum, with allowances to traditional inaccuracies in Medieval historical chronology. So, from the point of a historian, the coming of the Norsemen can still be dated to about 800. As in most, perhaps all, countries, what might be called archaeological interest in the 19th century began among persons, amateurs, in the Age of Romanticism and awakening nationalism.19 Perhaps things were done from idealistic and nationalistic inspiration that were better never done.20 Professional Faroese archaeology only started in the early 1940’s by the late Sverri Dahl. By his research, especially at the villages of Kvívík and Tjørnuvík, archaeology mo-
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