Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Qupperneq 25

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Qupperneq 25
PROBLEMS CONCERNING THE EARLIEST SETTLEMENT . . 29 prelimiary conclusion that he has reached as far back as to 900, or perhaps some years before the turn of the century.39 The »ærgi« (shielings) excavated by Dit- lev Mahler at Eiðisvatn have been dated to traditional Viking Age and early Middle Ages.40 Knud Krogh’s excavation of the six churches of Sandur relates logically to Christian times, and can hardly contribute to the problem: the first settlement in the Faroe Islands, as churches are Christian institutions.41 So, the archaeologists can, at most, go back to about 900 as to the earliest settle- ment. They are not able to fill the gap back to Dicuil. Consequently, to them what I have called the »Irish Question« has not yet gained any importance. The Botanist(s) The peaceful two-fronted academic war between historians and archaeologists was disturhed some years ago when a third intruder entered the field: The natural scientist, embodied in the botanist. This represents the necessary interaction be- tween discipiines formerly entirely separ- ated, but now interdisciplinarily depen- dent. During the 1970's the Faroese botanist Jóhannes Jóhansen carried out his pio- neering research in pollen-analyses in the Faroe Islands. In brief his main thesis was that at about 600-650 A.D. oats had been cultivated. As corn-plants cannot grow wild (in other words are cultivated plants) in the islands, this presuppose the exist- ence of human beings. For him it was nat- ural to refer to Dicuil’s account, according to which Irish anchorites might have been in the islands as early as about 700.42 Fifty or one hundred years do not spoil any ear- ly medieval chronology. In reality this was a revolutionary the- ory, disturbing even the old gap between history and archaeology: the vacuum of one hundred, or perhaps two hundred, years. Dr Jóhannes Jóhansen’s dissertation made the scepticism of archaeologists. Also the presumption — in accordance with the Sverri Dahl and P. V. Glob intui- tive tradition - that the fields on Mykines might be relics of an Irish pre-Viking sett- lement were met with scientific resistance among archaeologists as they had found no evidence that confirmed the »methology« of any Irish inhabilation.43 But in this context it must be interesting that Dr Jóhansen in his research in Shet- land was able to unite the results of his own studies in vegetational history with accepted archaeological and historical facts.44 Still more »alarming« is an article by Dr Jóhansen in the Faroese scientific journal, »Fróðskaparrit« in asserting that his de- monstration of the presence of the plant Plantago lanceolata in the Faroe Islands as early as about 2300 B.C., according to a generally accepted theory, not only indi- cates, but rather makes likely the inhabit- ation of human beings.45 It is important to note that Dr Jóhansen is always wary to give historical explana- tions. He sticks to his own subject, and his hints to history and archaeology are only allusions to the origin of these early pre- Vikings settlers.46 Having stated an »Irish« settlement ear- ly in the 7th century, he finds some kind
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