Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Side 26

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Side 26
30 PROBLEMS CONCERNING THE EARLIEST SETTLEMENT . of a change at about 950, reflected in a shift from the cultivation of oats to the cultivation of barley. To him this fact might indicate a shift from Norse-Irish to Norwegian settlement, even if this change may have taken place over a time.47 In my opinion, this theory is not quite satisfactory to explain the »gap« between a supposed early Irish and a later Norse settlement — at least only if we accept an idea of two Norse »Landnáms«, one from the south at about 800 and one direct from Norway at about 900, possibly connected with king Harald Hairfair’s seizure of po- wer, sustained bu the Icelandic tradition and Faroese archaeological research. The »Dicuilian« Norsemen should then have carried on the already existing cultivation of oats, while barley was introduced by their Norwegian kinsmen 100 or 150 years later.48 But the question arises: Were two Norse Landnáms possible in this small country? Could there have been space for a massive new colonization more than one hundred years after the first one? Hadn’t the first settlers already divided the land among themselves over this span of three or four generations when the effect of in- heritance must have been an active social force in the Faroese community? So, temporarily leaving out of account the possibilities of a Stone Age settlement, it still remains to connect or to disconnect there hypothetical phases of Landnám in the Faroe Islands: one »Irish anchorite« phase, one »Dicuilian« phase and one period of change to permanent Norse sett- lement. At least natural science has provoked much interesting and inspiring disturbance in the study of Faroese history. Philology and Philologists I have deliberately chosen to put subject and scholars under the same item, finding it necessary not to leave out this field of science, but at the same time stressing that it has not very much to say about the ques- tion dealt with here: the dating of the first settlement. But, as a matter of fact, the philologists were the first to touch upon early Irish-Faroese relations. In his studies Dr Jakob Jakobsen poin- ted out that several placenames in the Faroe Islands were of Gaelic origin.49 Pro- fessor Christian Matras continued his Work, widening the spectrum also to lang- uage elements other than place-names. On the islands of Mykines he maintained to have found an interesting place-name, »Korkadalur«, meaning the »oats vall- ey«, thus linking together Sverri Dahl’s ass- umption concerning the fields and Dr Jo- hansen’s pollen analyses. (The Gaelic ori- gin of the word »korki« and the meaning of the word had already been observed by Dr Jakobsen, but not in Matras’ interpre- tation.50) Christian Matras also pointed out that the first part of two place-names, »Papurshálsur« and »Paparøkur« might re- late to an early Irish settlement.51 But that such locations shuld have been the remote abodes of distressed Irish hermits has been questioned by Símun V. Arge.52 And from pure logic it can hardly be possible that in- vading Norsemen should have adopted place-names from the enemies they had either killed or driven away. Gaelic cultur- al, also linguistic, influence after the perm- anent Norse settlement has been proven by irrefutable evidence.
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