Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Síða 40

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Síða 40
44 STUDIES ON THE LONG-FINNED PILOT WHALE the reservations concerning ages older than 13-15 years, a good agreement is visible. The growth formulas for both sexes are: 0.120«) L = 232.04 e0 ll20/0120<1'e' L = 590cm oo -0.1681) L = 223.69 e0 1172/0168<le L = 440cm OO where L is length in cm and t is the age in years. The age frequency distribution showed two concentrations of animals, one consist- ing of immature whales up to 8 years for fe- males and 15 years for males, and the other consisting of the mature group, with a peak at about 17 years of age for both sexes (Fig 3). Length. 554 whales from 8 entire schools were sexed and measured for length and divided according to maturity (Fig. 6, a and b). An average Faroese long-finned pilot whale measures 405.1 i 4.1 cm, the males 423.8 í 7.7 cm on average (range: 186-625 cm, N = 229) and the females 391.8 í 4.2 cm on average (range: 180-490 cm, N = 325). The pattern did not differ from that previously found by Joensen (1962) and Moore et al (1978; 1979). Lengths recorded in the Faroes agree with previous observations that the Faroese long- finned pilot whales grow longer than those caught off New Foundland (Sergeant, 1977; Moore et al 1978; 1979). The Faroese sam- ples were more similar to the findings from the British strandings, with males up to 630 cm and females up to 546 cm (Kock, 1956; Martin, Reynolds and Richardson, 1987). Body length, cm Fig. 6. Length frequency distribution histogram for males (a), and females (b) of long-finned pilot whales in the Faroe Islands in the period 1978 to 1985. Empty stacks = immature whales, filled = mature whales. N=554. This could be an indication of three things: 1) that Faroese and British pilot whales are more closely related genetically, or 2) that they may have better feeding conditions than the pilot whales around New Foundland, or 3) that there could be more than one stock of pilot whales. The short-finned pilot whale, G. macro- rhynchus, off Japan is shown to be divided cr cr: 9 9:
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