Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Qupperneq 41

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Qupperneq 41
STUDIES ON THE LONG-FINNED PILOT WHALE 45 into two populations with different life parameters (Kasuya, Miyashita and Kasa- matsu, 1988a; Wada, 1988; Kasuya, in print; Kasuya and Tai, in print, a; in print, b). The length frequency distribution shows groups of both the immature and the mature whales of both sexes (Fig. 6, a and b). The immature animals have a peak at 352.0 t 6.4 cm for the males, and 297.5 í 5.5 cm for the females. For the mature whales the peaks were at 551.8 X 4.4 cm for males, and 437.4 t 1.8 cm for females. Males grow longer on average than females, with 54.5 cm for the immatures, and 114.4 cm for the matures. Since the length at birth is nearly the same (see below), this would point to a higher growth rate for the males, especially in rela- tion to their shorter life span. Weight. The 7 whales weighed before parti- tion showed a correlation between age, length, skinn and weight. The weighed animals consisted of a newborn, the largest male, and 5 in between (Table 2). The weight- length relationship is close and exponential as is normal for animal growth and follows the formula: 2. W = 0.00023 x L2501 where W = total body weight in kg, L = to- tal body length in cm. A single equation was found to be satisfactory for both sexes of all ages and throughout all months of the year (Lockyer, in print, b). At birth, the animals are estimated to weigh about 100 kg (Sergeant, 1962; Des- portes, 1983; Martin et al, 1987;), while large males of 24 skinn probably weigh close to 2.5 tonnes. This examination showed, how- ever, that Miiller (1882; 1884) was wrong when he said that a 20 skinn whale weighed 2,000 pounds; it will weigh twice that, name- ly about 2 tonnes. Skinn. The skinn is the standard, traditional means of evaluating quantities for consump- tion and as such is a sort of weight measure- Fig. 7. Skinn value frequency distribution histogram for long-finned pilot whales in the Faroe Islands in the period 1978 to 1985. Empty stacks = males, filled = females. N=944. I □ 143 imm males; -+- 88 mat males; X 103 imm lemales; m 221 mat temales | Fig. 8. Skinn value at body length in the long-finned pilot whales off the Faroe Islands. The formula for the correlation isincluded. N=555.
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