Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Qupperneq 47

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Qupperneq 47
STUDIES ON THE LONG-FINNED PILOT WHALE 51 and Zachariassen, 1990b). One possible ex- planation for a variable sex-ratio through time could be the placement of the examina- tions in relation to the c.l20-year cycle of pi- lot whale frequency. Miiller’s examination was at the end of an earlier cycle near the lowest occurrence, while the other examina- tions were close to the top of the next cycle. Hoydal (in print) showed a linear correlation between the catch of squid and pilot whales around the Faroes. A possible explanation for varying male frequency could be that in low catch periods with little food, more males may die of exhaustion and starvation in connection with intraspecific fighting. From the Japanese small-type fishery, a gradual decline in the male percentage over a 30-year period has been shown, and it is sug- gested that this is due to a selective exploita- tion of adult males (Kasuya and Marsh, 1984: 296). This is not comparable with the Faroese findings of varying male percentage through time, since whole schools are taken without selection according to sex or any other factor. Fighting marks. 73 animals from Vestman- na, July 17, 1984 were examined for fighting marks. This school was not measured for length, but the skinn values were available. The school was divided into young and sub- adults (0-6 skinn), and adults (7-22 skinn). Both recent and older fighting marks were observed on the skin, as well as some very old marks, where the distance between the marks had grown during the life of the whale. This material showed that all the adult males, but only 57% of the adult females, had tooth scars. Among the juveniles and sub-ađults, 58% of the males and 50% of the females had tooth scars. According to Martin et al (1987: 19), tooth scars were also commonly found on adult male whales stranded in Great Britain. The opinion of Sergeant (1962: 78) was that tooth scars originated from the hunts themselves, where scars occurred in hunts from which the whales had escaped. This is not in agreement with Faroese hunting procedure, where an entire school is taken, and wounded whales do not escape. Further- more, fighting marks are observed on strand- ed whales which are not the object of hunt- ing (Martin et al, 1987). The hypothesis of the present paper is that tooth scars derive from intraspecific fighting between males. But until now there has still been nothing to suggest that the scars themselves are lethal. Fighting marks as a possible explanation for the biased sex ratio. A sex ratio in favour of females can be explained in three ways: Firstly: A majority of females could be nor- mal in the primary sex ratio. The material presented here, however, showing an equal number of both sexes at birth (Table 5), sug- gests otherwise. Secondly: The pilot whale could have a ge- ographical segregation as occurs for example in porpoises (Møhl-Hansen, 1955: 378) and sperm whales, Physeter macrocephalus (De- gerbøl, 1940: 109). Until now, however, schools composed of males only have not been recorded in the strandings or whale drives (Kock, 1956; Sergeant, 1962; Martin et al, 1987). In the Faroese statistics, schools com- posed of whales of more than 12 skinn on average would mean they are made up almost exclusively of large males. Until now, only 5 schools reported in the official whale
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