Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Qupperneq 50

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Qupperneq 50
54 STUDIES ON THE LONG-FINNED PILOT WHALE months in Frazer and Huggett (1959), 15.5 months in Sergeant (1962), whereas Harri- son calculated 9-12 months (1949: 250). As- suming a gestation time of 15.5 months, this examination will show birth times from ear- ly October to late November, June, August and mid January, i.e. nearly all year, as pointed out by Miiller (1884: 23) who said that »the pilot whale breeds all year because the same amount of calves and pregnant fe- males are always found«. Harrison (1949: 250) concluded the same as Míiller. Des- portes (1982) also agreed with this hypothe- sis, but suggested peaks of birth frequency in August and conception in April respec- tively, and the present material did not indi- cate otherwise. This was also confirmed in further examinations by Desportes et al (in print). The percentage of pregnant females ap- peared to vary from 8-35%, and the largest number of pregnant females was found in September. It must be mentioned that 2 fe- males in this material were found to be simultaneously pregnant and lactating (Fig. 4). Twins: Miiller (1882; 1884) mentioned once seeing a pair of fully developed twin foe- tuses, and in the Húsavík catch from August 31, 1958, one pair of male twins of 38cm each was found (Table 3). Duration of suckling: The reproductive stage of all females was examined in two schools: Fuglafjørður , August 21, 1984 and Klaksvík, January 29, 1985 (Table 8). There were 10 (28%) and 5 (31%) lactating females respectively. Each lactating female presuma- bly suckled her own calf only. By counting the number of shortest newborns and lactat- ing females, the calves suckled to a length of about 300 cm (1.5-2 years). This was in ac- cordance with the data from New Found- land (Sergeant, 1962: 39), but was a slightly longer suckling time than was estimated by Desportes (1982; 1983). Another method to calculate the suckling time is: no. of lactat- ing x gestation time: pregnant females (Kasuya and March, 1984). Based on a gestation period of 15.5 months, the data from 3 schools (Table 8) gives a suckling time of: (21:13) x 15.5 = 25.1 months, i.e. also about 2 years, which agrees with the first calculation. Suckling time and cephalopod marks: The marks made by cephalapods are mostly placed around the mouths, although they can also be found elsewhere, especially on the belly. These marks have been examined before by Fjeldstrup (1887) and Jensen (1916). One school consisting of 73 whales from Vestmanna, July 17, 1984, was examined for cephalopod marks. From this school the skinn values rather than the length were ob- tained. Only three whales had no cephalo- pod marks at all. Of three newborns of a value of 1, 1, 1 /2 skinn, two had no marks, but the third had marks, which would indi- cate that newborns begin to eat cephalopods soon after birth. There was, peculiarly, one 6-skinn female without any visible marks. From three other schools 55 stomachs were examined (Desportes, 1985: 167), and 7 young 1-2 skinn animals of 186-256cm con- tained milk in their stomachs, the largest also beaks from cephalopods. This suggest- ed that newborns ate cephalopods at the same time as they were suckling, as was also shown by Desportes (1985) when examining
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