Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Side 52

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Side 52
56 STUDIES ON THE LONG-FINNED PILOT WHALE and Mouritsen, in print), as well as the one described by Sergeant (1962) around New Foundland with a favorite prey (Illex illecebrosus), which can be substituted, in case of scarcity, with other prey, including fish. The highly seasonal catch of long-finned pilot whales in the Faroes has coincided with the seasonal abundance of their favorite prey (T. sagittatus), (Joensen and Zachari- assen, 1982; in print; Hoydal, in print) in the same way as in New Foundland with Illex illecebrosus (Sergeant, 1962; Mercer, 1967; 1975). Miscellaneous Albinism. Albino pilot whales have been recorded on a few occasions: 1. In Miðvágur, in 1895, one whale was red- brown and another snow-white (á Ryggi 1960: 15). 2. In 1938 an albino pilot whale occurred in a school in Vágur on Suðuroy (J. Peter- sen, pers. comm.). 3. In a school of 89 whales in Vestmanna, January 11, 1970, one whale was an albi- no (R. Mouritsen, pers. comm.).. 4. In 1979 an albino was seen several times on the Faroe Bank by fishermen (R. Mouritsen, pers. comm.). 5. In Hvannasund, 1983-84, a female with calf was lighter in colour than the rest of the school (J. Petersen, pers. comm.). Use of the meat and blubber. In daily use, one skinn was commonly calculated to be about 25 kg of blubber and 50 kg of meat (Joensen, 1976). From further study (Bloch and Zachariassen, 1989) an average skinn value corresponds to 34 kg of blubber and 38 kg of meat, i.e. nearly 70 kg. If the average skinn value was multiplied with the average amount used, 70 kg, the utilization would be on average 54%, with a range of 30-77%, N = 7 (Table 2), a value confirmed by Bloch and Zachariassen (1989) from a larger sample. The large variation from one whale to another in utilization can most likely be attributed to the subjective as- sessment. The 54% utilization figure was higher than that for fish (47%). The remaining 46% of the pilot whale was skeleton, head and intestines. Before the introduction of electric lighting in homes, the heads were boiled down for lamp oil, and the bones were used as fertilizer in the fields. Today intestines are used by some as bait on line fishery, and the production of ma- nure from the remaining 46% of the whale is being considered. With a yearly catch of about 2000 pilot whales averaging 5.6 skinn (Hoydal, in print), and a 1 skinn whale weighing a total of 7300:57= 128 kg (Table 2), the yearly basis for a fertilizer industry would only be an annual amount of: 2000 x 5.6 X 0.128 X 0.46 = 660 tons. According to Miiller (1882; 1884) the smaller whales were thought best because of their delicate meat and proportionally great- er amount of blubber. This is still the case today, but Table 2 could indicate a trerid towards a decline in the utilization of the smallest whales. Conclusion The observed growth pattern demonstrated in this study, with males having a larger body size (1.28 times), shorter life .span (5 years), and higher natural mortality rate than fe- males, (Fig. 4) and a polygynous social structure (Amos et al, 1991) agree well with
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