Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Qupperneq 55

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Qupperneq 55
STUDIES ON THE LONG-FINNED PILOT WHALE 59 human organs in populations from Bergen (Nor- way) and the Faroe Islands. Sci. Total Environ., 84: 25-33. Kasuya, T. In print, a. Recent exploitation of southern form short-finned pilot whales off Japan. Rep. int. Whal. Commn (Special Issue 14). Kasuya, T. and Marsh H. 1984. Life History and Reproductive Biology of the Short-Finned Pilot Whale, Globicephala machrorhynchus, off the Pa- cific Coast of Japan. Rep. int. Whal. Commn (Spe- cial Issue 6): 259-310. Kasuya, T. and Matsui, S. 1984. Age determination and growth of the short-finned Pilot Whale off the Pa- cific coast of Japan. Sci. Rep. Whales Res. Inst., Tokyo 35: 57-91. Kasuya, T., Miyashita, T. and Kasamatsu, F. 1988, a. Segregation of two forms of short-finned pilot whales off the Pacific coast of Japan. Sci. Rep. Whales Res. Inst., Tokyo 39: 77-90. Kasuya, T., Sergeant, D. E. and Tanaka, K. 1988, b. Re- examination of life history parameters of long- finned pilot whales in the Newfoundland Waters. Sci. Rep. Whales Res. Inst., Tokyo 39: 103-19. Kasuya, T. and Tai, S. In print, a. Short-finned pilot whale fishery off northern Japan and the catch trend. Rep. int. Whal. Commn (Special Issue 14). Kasuya, T. and Tai, S. In print, b. Life history of short- finned pilot whale stocks off Japan. Rep. int. Whal. Commn (Special Issue 14). Kock, L. L. de. 1956. The Pilot Whale stranding on Or- kney Island of Westeray, 1955. The Scottish Natu- ralist 68, 2: 65-70. Laird, A. K. 1969. The dynamics of growth. Research/ Development: 28-31. Lockyer, C. In print, a. A report on patterns of deposi- tion of dentine and cement in teeth of pilot whales, genus Globicephala. Rep. int. Whal. Commn (Spec- ial Issue 14). Lockyer, C. In print, b. Seasonal change in body fat conditions of Northeast Atlantic pilot whales, and the biological significance. Rep. int. Whal. Commn (Special Issue 14). Lockyer, C., and Desportes, G. and Waters, T. 1987. Preliminary studies of pilot whales from Faroese Waters since 1986.: Age determination. IWC doc. SC/39/SM16. 9pp. Unpublished. Martin, A. R., Reynolds, P. and Richardson, M. G. 1987. Aspects of the biology of Pilot whales (Globicephala melaena) in recent mass strandings on the British coast. J. Zool. Lond. 211: 11-23. Mercer, M. C. 1967. Wintering of Pilot whales, (Globicephala melaena), in Newfoundland inshore waters. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 24 (11): 2481-4. Mercer, M. C. 1975. Modified Leslie-De Lury popula- tion models of the Long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melaena) and annual production of the short-finned squid (lllex illecebrosus) based upon their interaction at Newfoundland. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada, 37 (7): 1145-54. Moore, M. J. & Hutton, T. C. & Cole, A. T. 1978. Pilot whales from the Faroes: a Comparison of Body Length and Sex Ratio with Animals from New Foundland. Unpublished manus. Moore, M. J. & Hutton, T. C. & Cole, A. T. 1979. Long finned Pilot Whale (Globicephala melaena): mor- phological and ecological comparisons between New Foundland and the Faroes. Report. Cambridge. 1-19. Miiller, H. C. 1882. Whale fishing in the Faroe Isles. Fish and Fisheries. Prize Essays of the Intern. Fish- eries Exhibition, Edingburgh: 1-16. Miiller, H. C. 1884. Oplysninger om Grindefangsten paa Færøerne. Vid. Medd. Dansk Nat. Foren. 46: 17-47. Møhl-Hansen, U. 1954. Investigations on reproduction and growth of the Porpoise (Phoecaena phoecaena (L)) from the Baltic. Vid. Medd. Dansk Nat. Foren. 116: 369-96. Norris, K. S. 1961. Standardized methods for measuring and recording data on the smaller cetaceans. J. of Mamm. 42: 471-6. Perrin, W. F. and Myrick, A. C., Jr. (Eds). 1980. Age determination of toothed whales and sirenians. Report of the workshop. Rep. int. Whal. Commn (Special Issue 3): 1-50. Perrin, W. F., Brownell, R. L. Jr. and Myrick, A. C., Jr. (Eds). 1984. Reproduction in Whales, Dolphins and porpoises. Rep. int. Whal. Commn (Special Issue 6): 1-50. Perrin, W. F. and Reilly, S. B. 1984. Reproductive para- meters of Dolphins and Small Whales of the Family Delphinidae. Rep. int. Whal. Commn (Special Issue 6): 97-133. Ralls, K.Brownell, R. L. and Ballou, J. 1980. Differen- tial Mortality by Sex and Age in Mammals, with Specific Reference to the Sperm Whale. Rep. int. Whal. Commn (Special Issue 2): 233-88. Ryggi, M. D. á. 1960. Hvalur og Kópur. Føroya Náttúru — Føroya Skúli. Tórshavn. 30pp. Sergeant, D. E. and Fischer, H. D. 1957. The smaller Cetacea of eastern Canadian waters. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada 14: 83-115. Sergeant, D. E. 1959. Age determination of odontocete
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