Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Síða 59

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Síða 59
A note on the occurrence of land planarians in the Faroe Islands Dorete Bloch Introduction Faunistic studies have been carried out in a number of different environments in the Faroe Islands over two different periods. The first was a thorough faunistic examination, with samples taken from marine, freshwater and terrestrial habitats. These studies were published over the period from 1928 to 1971 in Zoology of the Faroes, in which the ma- rine and freshwater planarians were treated by Steinbóck in 1929-30. The second study period was from 1978 to 1981, when a team from the universities of Bergen (Norway) and Lund (Sweden), in cooperation with the Faroese Museum of Natural History, sam- pled terrestrial animals for ecological studies. These examinations were published in a series entitled »Terrestrial Invertebrates of the Faroe Islands«, the main bulk of data appearing from 1979-1983 in Fauna norv. Ser. A and Ser. B. No land planarians were discovered in the first study, but during the second study, Rhynchodemus terrestris (Miiller) was recorded and sampled on Suðuroy in 1978 (Bengtson, 1982). More recently, the species Artioposthia triangulata Fyfe was found, and so it is now considered worthwhile to publish the Faroese occurrences of these animals and in that connection suggest a possible immigration route. Faroese records In the summer of 1987, the Museum received a dried specimen of a land planarian about 10 cm long. Later in 1987 more specimens were found, all in bad condition and not suitable for preservation, but identified as probably belonging to the species Ar- tioposthia triangulata. They were all sam- pled on the outskirts of the capital, Tórshavn (Fig. 1) in connection with potato planting. On May 5, 1990 the Museum received 6 specimens as well as 2 egg capsules which were sampled in the village of Kvívík, on the main island, Streymoy, about 30 km north- west of Tórshavn (Fig. 1). These specimens were well preserved in 70% alcohol and easi- ly identifiable as Artioposthia triangulata. Their size varied from 5 to 12 cm in length and they were of a light chocolate grey brown colour (Fig. 2). The planarians were sampled in connection with planting pota- toes, where more than a hundred specimens Fróðskaparrit 38.-39. bók (1989-90): 63-68
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