Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Side 73

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Side 73
Thefirst record of Descolea antarctia Sing. (Basidiomycetes, Agaricales) from the northern hemisphere Jan Vesterholt & Jens H. Petersen The genus Descolea In 1951 Singer discribed the genus Des- colea based on Descolea antarctica, a species from the Nothofagus stands of Ti- erra del Fuego, Argentina. Since then several other taxa have been added to the genus, and Horak (1971) includes a total of 8 species. The slender fruitbodies of some of the species may superficially resemble Pholio- tina species, but microscopically the verru- cose spores without a germ pore are very different. Other species of Descolea pro- duce more fleshy fruitbodies, which may appear similar to species of Rozites — a genus with which Descolea is closely re- lated. All Descolea species are believed to form mycorrhiza, and at least 5 of these are known to grow with various species of Nothofagus in the southern hemisphere. According to Horak (op. cit.) each of these 5 species have a very narrow area of distribution. Three of them have only been found on New Zealand and the other two are known from two separate areas of Chile and Argentina. Descolea anarctica is the only species of its genus known from Tierra del Fuego, which is the origin of the introduced Nothofagus trees of the Faroe Islands. Description based on Faroe material Pileus 20-45 mm, convex to campanulate, then expanding with a low, broad umbo, shiny when wet, dull and slightly mica- ceous when dry, centre chestnut brown (8EF8), towards margin paler and more yellowish brown (5B4), (colours referring to Kornerup & Wanscher 1974), striate at margin, weakly hygrophaneous, often with whitish remnants of universal veil. Lamel- lae free or very narrowly adnate, fairly crowded, pale ochraceous brown, edge serrulate. Stipe 40-70 x 3-6 mm, cylindrical or basally widened up to 9 mm, apex pale ochraceous brown, downwards more yell- ow-brown, under the ring with white adpressed fibrils. Ring pendant, mem- branaceous and persistent, pale, upper side striate. Smell and taste indistinct. Fróðskaparrit 38.-39. bók (1989-90): 77-80
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