Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Side 104

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Side 104
108 INSECT, MAN AND THE EARLIEST SETTLEMENT . ent claims by Margret Hermanns-Auðar- dóttir (Hermannsdóttir 1986; Hermanns- Auðardóttir 1989) for early settlement of Vestmannaeyjar by Merovingians are not well supported by palynological evidence (Hallsdóttir, 1984) and have engendered heated debate in the Icelandic national press (1989). In both Iceland and the Faroe Islands, the impact of Man and his domestic ani- mals on the natural vegetation are well documented in the palynological record (cf. Hallsdóttir, 1987; Jóhansen, 1985), but Man does not travel alone, and, along with his domestis animals, he brings a rich harvest of uninvited guests, from the lice referred to in the same geography by Dicuil (Sveinbjarnardóttir & Buckland, 1983), to his fleas (Buckland & Sadler, 1989) and the ectoparasites of his stock (Buckland & Perry, 1989). All are recogni- sable in the archaeological record, indeed, where bone preservation is poor, as at post-medieval Reykholt in Iceland (Svein- bjarnardóttir, Buckland & Sadler, in prep.), the only evidence for domesticates may lie in their well-preserved ectopara- sites. Such animals, however, are largely restricted to the immediate proximity of settlement, and, although the sheep ked, Melophagus ovinus, may be found at the present day in shed fragments of fleece over the Faroese countryside, the chances of examples surviving in the fossil record or being recovered during sampling seem infinitely remote. The fauna liable to take advantage of Man or be casually, unwittingly transpor- ted by him is not restricted to parasites, and the sailing ships of the recent past have accounted for the worldwide distribu- tion of many plants and animals (cf. Elton, 1957). Much of this fauna of tramps and hitchikers consists of insects, many of which survive in identifiable form as fossils. This has allowed not only some ref- inement to the work of Lindroth (1957) in documenting introductions as a result of transatlantic trade, but has also indicated the large scale of earlier anthropochorous dispersal around the North Atlantic (Sadler, in press). The casually dispersed fauna, preserved in anaerobic sediments, particularly the insects associated with hay and dung, provide a powerful potential tool in the study of human dispersal, sett- lement and ways of life (cf. McGovern et al., 1983; Buchland et al., in press; Buckland, 1988). Where independent dat- ing is available, the earliest deposits in Ice- land and Greenland produce extensive anthropochorous insect faunas, not only in immediate association with the archaeo- logy, (cf. Buckland et al., 1983), but also in the landscape around the farms (Buck- land et al., 1986; in press). Dunnage and ballast provided abundant suitable habit- ats for the transport of invertebrates, as well as the occasional small vertebrate (cf. Berry, Jacobsen & Peters, 1978). Changes at Landnám are readily apparent in the fossil insect faunas and involve not only in- troductions, but also the expansion of species previously restricted to such places as the nutrient enriched areas around bird colonies, to the similar, if not more diverse habitats around farms (Buckland et al., in press). As it appears possible to define Land- nám in palynological terms in the stratig- raphic record, it may be similarly defined by changes in the fossil insect faunas. In
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