Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Qupperneq 105

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Qupperneq 105
INSECT, MAN AND THE EARLIEST SETTLEMENT . . 109 the absence of mammalian herbivores be- fore Man on both the Faroes and Iceland, the appearance of the dung and hay fauna, the former now ubiquitous on the islands, must clearly indicate the arrival of Man on more than a casual, occasional landing basis. In addition, changes in the fre- quency of the endemic (at least since the end of the last glaciation, cf. Buckland, 1988) insect fauna might also be useful indicators of the impact of Man. Results The modern beetle fauna of the Faroe Is- lands has recently been reassessed (Bengt- son, 1981), providing the necessary back- ground to research upon the fossil biota. With the model predicted, fieldwork was carried out in association with Jóhannes Jóhansen in 1985 at both his major pre- Norse Landnám localities, at Lambi and Uldalíð on Mykines and at Tjørnuvík on Streymoy. In addition, samples from de- posits known to predate Landnám by seve- ral thousand years were recovered from sites in Saksunardalur on Streymoy to pro- vide an indication of natural assemblages in the islands unaffected by Man. This note does not concern the detail of the faunas from the three localities, which will be published elsewhere (Buckland, Dinnin & Sadler, in prep.), but is restricted to the evidence for Landnám. Whilst pollen may survive in soil profiles, insects are rapidly eroded in such situations and rarely survi- ve to be incorporated into younger sedi- ments. Their contemporaneity with the enclosing deposit is therefore rarely in doubt. Mykines At Lambi, on the most westerly of the islands, Mykines, Dahl (1970) had suggest- ed that a system of embanked fields were reminiscent of ‘stone walls in the Celtic regions.1 Jóhansen (1979) had sampled this site and, at a depth of 1.01 m, had obtain- ed pollen of oats (Avena sp.) and, at 0.85 m, that of barley (Hordeum sp.). The site was extensively disturbed by puffin burr- ows and no suitable deposits existed for the recovery of samples for examination for fossil insects. Similar problems atten- ded the palynology to the extent that the sequence obtained for radiocarbon dating gave inconsistent results because of the incorporation of old carbon by slope wash. Deposits at Uldalíð, 1 km to the east, were correllated with Lambi by pollen analysis and further radiocarbon samples from this site gave consistent results. The latter sec- tion was an erosion scar, 1.2 m high, at 190 m a.s.l., on a slight south-westerly facing slope in short grazed grassland to the east of the modern farms, and adjacent to anot- her field system. Jóhansen (1979) had obtained samples from the organic sedi- ments at the site and constructed a pollen diagram. The radiocarbon dates from this section allowed a date of 600-700 A.D. to by proposed by interpolation for the Lambi fields by comparison of the two di- agrams (Jóhansen, 1979; 1985, 56). The original sampling locality remained expos- ed in 1985 and was cut back and resampled by Buckland and Jóhansen. The upper part of the exposure consisted of oxidised, peaty slope wash, with much small gravel of basalt, and irregular bedding planes; its disturbed, aerated nature made it unsui- table for sampling for invertebrate remains
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