Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Síða 146

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Síða 146
150 FAROESE SPADE-CULTIVATION note-worthy, that an optimization of the dual system requires a rather delicate balance between the number of heads of cat- tle, their dung production, their grazing area, the area cultivated with barley, and the size of work-force on a given farmstead. Reinavelta added to the productivity of the area and the dependability of supplies under harsh climatic conditions. But the ad- vantages were paid for with hard toil. Function of the haki Reinavelta seems a very well adapted system for manual cultivation, though this aspect may need to be proven by further investiga- tion. Some points relating to the main imple- ment, the wooden spade, the haki, shall be briefly mentioned here in an attempt to clari- fy whether the implement is equally suitable to its purpose. The haki has a relatively simple form com- prising a long handle and a long and narrow blade, hakafótur, that is tipped with an iron cutting edge, grev. The implement is relative- ly light in spite of its size. Functionally, the long wooden blade and the sharp iron cutting edge are significant. If seen in use it is evident, that the haki is not a primitive imitation of a steel-spade. It is a specialised tool for a very specific task, and in fact it may be termed a ’turf-slicer’ rather than a digging instrument. The sharpened cutting share permits an easy separation of a grass turf from its base, and the long wooden blade facilitates the slicing-off of reasonably long pieces of turf. For the lifting and turn- ing of the turf, the long handle provides a good balance. These features explain why the haki was often tailor-made for its user, matching his force and proportions. An interesting observation supported by the interpretation of the film, was that the haki is pushed in such a way that the body weight is utilized to press the implement through the turf more than ’muscular pow- er’. Another observation is based on the straight shape of the haki, which is ideally suited to the postures and stances required when working the teigar. It is thus closely related to the field form. If this were a flat one, an implement with an angular shaped handle, e.g. like that of the ’caschrom’, would appear to be more convenient and ef- ficient. The example is noteworthy: a ’sim- ple’ implement needs not indicate an un- sophisticated function. Neither does an im- plement necessarily be a good indicator of level of development of an agricultural sys- tem. A total ecological evaluation of reinavelta will no doubt result in an appreciation of its fine adaptability as a grass-turf cultivation system to the rather marginal, humid, and cold, conditions of the Atlantic islands. But, at the same time, it must have required a sizeable workforce even though attempts cer- tainly were made to minimize the toil as far as possible. The History of reinavelta Very little is known about the early history of reinavelta. Apparently the first literary sources, that with full certainty describe reinavelta are from the last part of the 17th century. Older sources establish beyond any doubt that there was an early cultivation (e.g. Seyðabrævið 1298), but whether this was by reinavelta is not known.
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