Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1985, Qupperneq 48

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1985, Qupperneq 48
52 PLANTUFRØÐILIGAR BÓKMENTIR FØROYUM VIÐVlKJANDI Cand. mag. Annelise Hartmann bókavørði á Botanisk Centralbibliotek, Keypmanna- havn takki eg hjartaliga fyri hjálp við at út- vega greinir og bøkur og fyri upplýsingar. Eisini skal eg takka starvsfólkinum á Lands- bókasavninum fyri hjálp og beinasemi. Bodil Jóhansen hevur við stórum nærlagni skrivað ritgerðalistan eftir upprunagreinunum — eitt stórt og ofta sera trupult arbeiði, av tí at bókmentirnar eru útkomnar ígjøgnum 350 ár og tí ógvuliga ymiskt ritstjórnaðar. Hilda Bernhardson hevur maskinskrivað fyrst kort og listar og síðan handritið. Eisini Marianna Debes Dahl hevur hjálpt til. Fleiri onnur fólk bæði innan- og uttanlands hava hjálpt mær við ymiskum upplýsingum. Eg veiti øll- um hesum — nevndum og ónevndum — mína bestu tøkk. Óivað eru mistøk gjørd, eins og helst er okkurt, sum vantar. Eg fari kortini at enda við hesum nú, men eri takksamur fyri at fáa rættleiðingar, sum eg kann taka við næstu ferð, tá listin skal endurskoðast og nýggjastu ritgerðirnar frá 1981 og fram einaferð skulu savnast. A Faroese botanical bibliographv from oldest times to 1980 In this paper I have tried to collect what has been written about Faroese botany from the oldest times up to 1980. The basis of the work is Carl Christensen’s and Alfred Hansen’s: »Den danske botaniske litteratur.« Besides I have found some other papers and I decided also to include literature about agriculture concerning plants. The agricultural journals, which all only appeared for short periods I have only mentioned, without trying to pick out single articles. I have tried to work after certain rules. Only papers and books which have been pu- blished are included. Notes, diaries and ma- nuscripts are excluded. Articles in newspa- pers or popular weekly magazines are also omitted. Larger surveys which show e.g. worldwide distribution of plants including the Faroes are not includeđ. Examples of such works are Jessen and Mentz: Vilde plan- ter i Norden; Hulten: The amphiatlantic plants and Hegi: Illustrierte Flora von Mit- teleuropa. I have tried to include all books published before 1900 when they mention plants, even if only a few. No doubt some publications from the 19th century of this kind have es- caped my attention. The article has been divided into three parts. Part I is a list of all publications arran- ged alphabetically after author. In part II I have divided the publications into some main subjects arranged chronologically. Part III gives short biographies of the authors mentioned in alphabetical order. I have not succeeded in getting information about them all, unfortunately. In those cases I have written when the author was in the Faroes, or if he has been there at all. Abbreviations of the names of the journals have been made in such a way, that I do not think any further explanations are necessary. However, I can mention that Hedes. Tids. means Hedeselskabets Tidsskrift and Bot. Tids. is Botanisk Tidsskrift. Other abbrevia- tions are: md. = mynd (figure(s)); tlv. = talva (table(s)); pl. = pláta (plate(s)); bls. = blaðsiður (pages); bd. = bind (volume); hft. = hefti (part).
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