Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 15.08.1984, Blaðsíða 15

Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 15.08.1984, Blaðsíða 15
DV. MIÐVKUDAGUR15. ÁGUST1984. 15 WORK OVERSEAS EARN UP TO $100,000 AYEAR OR MORE This is a special announ- cement that could change your life and provide you with financiai independance plus a chance to visit other countries in the world, meet new friends and see places you may otherwise never get to ex- perience. You can start making several times the amount of money you are earning now regardless of age, sex, nationality or job experience. Whether you are an unskilled laborer or skilled tradesman, clerical worker, truck driver, salesperson, etc., there are thousands of job openings waiting to be filled in many major industries such as oil, construction, gas pipe-line and others with eager employers often paying the round trip fare. A large number of prospective employers are looking for many kinds or workers willing to tem- porarily re-locate to the regions of Alaska, the Arctic and the North West Territories. W.orkers possessing certain technical and medical qualifications can re-locate to the U.S.A. and Canada on a permanent basis. Other workers and students can re-locate to these two countries on a temporary basis and can also take advantage of this opportunity by working overseas in oil rich coun- tries such as Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Gabon and many others, where their skills and talent can be utilized. OU Companie The oil industry offers the best prospects for securing em- ployment overseas of any segment of commerce. The exploration production and transportation of oil in its raw state, from the oil fields to the refineries, requires the skill and energy of whole legions of workers. Some large U.S. conglomerates such as Aramco in Saudi Arabia have created such large operations overseas that they resemble some small towns in North America, com- plete with their own schools, hospitals, shopping centers, etc., Construction Companies Second to oil, the largest com- mercial involvement overseas is probably the field of heavy con- struction and engineering. Technical know how in this field has long been in demand around the world and shows no sign of faltering. Dams, irrigation systems, tunnels, ’railroads, highways, mining projects, hotels and public buildings are among the overseas projects un- dertaken by North American con- tractors. The oil industry overseas, is also one of the primary customers for North American contractors. Refineries, pipe-lines, oil rigs and housing are just some of the con- struction projects to be undertaken. Various personnel are a/so needed for offshore oil drilling ex- plorations throughout the world in- cluding the Arctic and the North Sea. Most companies wilt require you to work for at least 6 months and the par- ticular company involved in hiring will make arrangements with respect to travelling expenses, meals, ac- commodations, etc., depending on a location of the job site. Regardless of what country you choose, opportunities exist in nearly every occupation with earnings of up to $8,500 per month and more depending on your skills and occupation. Some of the most wanted oc- cupations are as follows: Accountants Advertising Personnel Agricdturol Specialists Architects Aviation Personnel Bankers Bank Personnel Boiler Makers Bookkeepers Bricklayers Bulldozer Operators Comp Managers Chauffeurs Chemists Clerical Workers Cooks Crone Operotors Dentists Designers Diesel Operotors Doctors Droftsmen Economists Electricians E.D.P. Personnel Engineers Equipment Operators Estimators Executives Foremen Geologists Hospital Personnel Hotel Workers Iron Workers Loborers Lob Technicians Librorians Mechanists Maintenance Men Managers Marketing Personnel Mechonics Medicol Technicians Metollurgists Millwrights Newspaper Personnel Nurses Oil Drillers Painters Photographers Pipe Fitters Pipe Coverers Plumbers Project Managers Roofers Sales Personnel Scientists Secretaries Sheet Metal Workers Shovel Operators Social Workers Stenographers Supervisors Teachers Technicians Truck Drivers Tvpists Warehousemen Surveyors Welders Who gets these high paying jobs? People who know who the hiring contractors and com- panies are and how to apply in the best way possible in order to obtain employment. These facts will put you ahead of countless thousands of workers. Provide a solid financial base for yourself and your family. End your dilemma of debts and financial insecurity. The FOREIGN EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION GUIDE contains a step by step detailing of all the vital phases of obtaining jobs overseas. It will fumish you with all the facts and procedures necessary to obtain a high paying job.. information that otherwise might be obtained only through years of painstaking research. Our sole function is to provide you with up-to-date facts enabling you to obtain overseas em- ployment without paying huge employment agency fees. We collect no fees for any job you obtain through assistance of the FOREIGN EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION GUIDE and your future earnings are entirely yours. Your copy of the FOREIGN EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION GUIDE will put you in direct con- tact with a large number of select employers. Simply detach and fill out the attached order form, place it in the envelope together with an intemational money order as indicated on the order form, and mail immediately to assure prompt delivery. This may be the best investment you will ever make. EXCERPTS OF SOME LETTERS WE HAVE RECEIVED "Your Foreign Employment Guide has really turned my life around. A year ago I was flat broke and out of a job. I am now working for a construction company in Kuwait, making as much money as many doctors and lawyers back home. Not bad for a guy with a grade 9 education. Once again, thanks." Jim Arías, Jacksonvillo, Fla. 'Tm very pleased with your Foreign Employment In- formation Guide which I purchased from you last year....." "I ordered your F. E. I. Guide. I was very pleased when, af- ter two weeks of sending out applications for em- ployment I received two offers from American com- panies engaged in oil testing fields in Gabon............” Erlk Quatafsson, Malmo, Swoden "Even though it took three months for me to get a job with the help of your guide, the wait was well worth it. I’m working and am able to save money too. The Foreign Employment Guide was a terrific en- vestment....." WORLD WIDE OPPORTUNITIES Dept. 37. 701 Washington St., Buffalo N.Y. U.S.A. 14205 Please rush my FOREIGN EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION GUIDE so I can finally start making the money I deserve. En- closed is a $25 INTERNATIONAL MONEY ORDER payable to your company in U.S. dollars. NAME........................................ ADDRESS..................................... CITY........................................ COUNTRY.................ZIP/P. CODE......... AGE.......OCCUPATION........................ James Duignam, Cork, Ireland "As p/pe-l/ne coverer working in Saudi Arabia, I make as much money in one week as / did back home in a month....." Raymond Loville, Sept-lles, Que. "A good friend of mine who worked with me in the field years ago gave me your address. He is actually working in Australia and told me he got his actual job thanks to your help." Maria Pontlllas.Manlla, Phllipplnes. "Because ofthe Guide, I wasable to secure emp/oyment in the hospitality industry. I'm presently contracted by a large hotel chain in Bahamas. Thank you for showing me how to find a job in a professional way." Peter C. Norman, Aukland, New Zealand. "Your publication not only provided me with an engineering position, but it gave me the chance to see a bit more of the world....." Edgar Perelra, Santa Cruz, Bollva Nikos Kallls, Athens, Greece. NOTE: Payment must accompany your order. Money Orders or Bank Drafts payable in U.S. funds are easily obtainable from most banks in the Country where you reside. The FOREIGN EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION GUIDE covers areas of employment in the Middle East, Far East, Arctic, Africa, South America, North America, North Sea and others. , r.llftRANTEE 33 3 0 AUGLÝSING


Dagblaðið Vísir - DV

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