Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1973, Qupperneq 109

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1973, Qupperneq 109
RIT Á ERLENDUM TUNGUM 109 ary masterpiece. By Einar 01. Sveinsson. Ed- ited and translated by Paul Schach with an introduction by E. 0. G. Turville-Petre. 1971. The American Scandinavian Review. [ Ritd. Sérpr. N. Y.] Ál. Bls. 84-85. 8vo. BECK, RICHARD. Eddas. [From The Encyclo- pedia Americana, 1971 edition. Urtak. N. Y. 1971]. Bls. 624-625. 4to. — Frithjof. [From The Encyclopedia Americana, 1971 edition. Úrtak. N. Y. 1971]. Bls. 101. 4to. — Grace English Lutheran Church at the sixty year mark. [Vélr.] Victoria, B. C. 1971. 12 bls. 8vo. — Hans Hylen - a pioneer Norwegian translator of Icelandic poetry. Offprint from Nordica et Anglica. Studies in honor of Stefán Einars- son, edited by AUan H. Orrick. Haag [1971]. (1), 168.-174. bls. 4to. — The pioneer’s field. Poet. An International Monthly, February 1971. [ l'riak ]. Madrasl971. Bls. 27. 8vo. BEKKER-NIELSEN, HANS. Hungrvaka and the medieval Icelandic audience. Estratto da Studi Germanici (nuova serie) Anno X, n. 1, 1972. (1), 95.-98. bls. 8vo. — Islandske hándskrifter i Danmark og deres tilbagevenden til Island. Et forspg pá en redegprelse. Sartryck ur Nordisk tidskrift för bok- och biblioteksvasen, árgang 59. Sth. 1972. (1), 89.-105., (1) bls. 4to. — The use of rex in Islendingabók. Studies for Einar Haugen. [Sérpr.] The Hague. Paris 1972. (1), 53.-57. bls. 4to. — and OLE WIDDING. Arnc Magnusson. The manuscript collector. Translated by Robert W. Mattila. Odense 1972. 70 bls., 8 mbl. 8vo. BENEDIKTSSON, HREINN. Phonemic neutraliz- ation and inaccurate rhymes. Acta philalo- logica XXVI/1-2. [Sérpr. Kbh. 1954]. Bls. 1- 18, 1 uppdr. 8vo. BENEDIKZ, B[ENEDIKT] S. In memoriam Ro- bert Laybourn (1874-1968). Leeds 1972. (4) bls. 8vo. [—] B. S. B. Auckland Castle unicum? The Durham Philobiblon. Vol. II, part 9-10. [Úr- tak. Durham] 1969. 70.-72. bls. 8vo. BENGTSON, SVEN-AXEL. An apparent hybrid between Barrow’s Goldeneye Bucephala Is- landica and the Common Goldeneye B. clang- ula in Iceland. Bulletin of the British Ornitho- logists’ Club. Volume 92. Ncs. 3 & 4, 1972. (1), 100.-101. bls. 8vo. — Breeding ecology of the Harlequin Duck Histrionicus histrionicus (L.) in Iceland. [Sér- pr.] Ornis Scandinavica. International Journal of Ornithology. Vol. 3, no. 1. Oslo 1972. (2), 1.-19., (2) bls. 4to. — Densities of passerine bird ccmmunities in Ice- land. Reprinted from „Bird Study“. Vol. 17, no. 3 (1970). (1), 250.-258. bls. 8vo. -— Ecological segregation, reproduction, and fluctuaticns in the size of duck populations in Iceland. With special reference to the ducks in Lake Myvatn Area and the harlequin duck Histrionicus histrionicus (L.) [Drg.] Lund 1972. (1), 12 bls. 8vo. — Food and feeding of diving ducks breeding at Lake Mývatn, Iceland. Reprinted from Omis Fennica. Vol. 48 (3-M) 1971. (1), 77.-92. bls. 8vo. — Habitat selection of duck broods in Lake Mývatn area, North-East Iceland. [Sérpr.] Ornis Scandinavica. International Joumal of Ornithology. Vol. 2, no. 1. Oslo 1971. (2), 17- 26, (2) bls. 4to. — Hunting methods and choice of prey of Gyr- falcons Falco msticolus at Mývatn in North- East Iceland. [Sérpr. From Ibis, 113, 1971]. (1), 468.-M76. bls. 4to. — Location of nest-sites of ducks in Lake Mý- vatn area, North-East Iceand. [Sérpr.I Oikcs 21, 2. Kbh. 1970. Bls. 218-229. 4to. — Reproduction and fluctuations in the size of duck populations at Lake Mývatn, Iceland. [Sérpr.] Oikos 23, 1. Kbh. 1972. Bls. 35-58. — Variations in clutch-size in ducks in relation to the food supply. [From Ibis 113, 1971]. Bls. 523-526. 4to. — , STAFFAN ULFSTRAND. Fcod resources and breeding frequence of the harlikin duck Histrionicus histrionicus in Iceland. [Sérpr.] Oikos 22, 2. Kbh. 1971. Bls. 235-239. 4to. BERRY, ERICK. Leif the Lucky. Discoverer of America. Illustrated by William Plummer. A Discovery Book. Champaign, IU. 1961. 72 bls. 8vo. — The land and people of Iceland. Portraits of the Nations Series. Revised edition. Phila- delphia. N. Y. 1972. 158, (1) bls. 8vo.
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Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands

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