Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2008, Blaðsíða 107
Assessment of the practicality of Post Stroke Depression Instruments. Fyrirlestur haldinn á the
eigth quadrennial congress haldinn af European Association of Neuroscience Nurses, á
Nordica Hótel Reykjavík, 01.06.2007. http://www.eanncongress.hi.is/pp/program.html
Höfundar: Floor Gooskens og Þóra B. Hafsteinsdóttir. Flytjandi fyrirlesturs meistaranemi:
Floor Gooskens.
‘Communication Problems in Patients with Stroke: a systematic Review of the Literature’
Fyrirlestur haldinn á the eigth quadrennial congress haldinn af European Association of
Neuroscience Nurses,á Nordica Hótel, Reykjavík, 01.06.2007.
http://www.eanncongress.hi.is/pp/program.html Höfundar: Irina Poslawsky og Þóra B.
Hafsteinsdóttir. Flytjandi fyrirlesturs doktorsnemi: Irina Poslawsky.
‘Patients with stroke and educational interventions: a systematic review of the literature’
Fyrirlestur haldinn á the eigth quadrennial congress haldinn af European Association of
Neuroscience Nurses, á Nordica hóteli, Reykjavík, 01.06.2007.
http://www.eanncongress.hi.is/pp/program.html. Höfundar: Martine Vergunst og Þóra B.
Hafsteinsdóttir. Flytjandi meistaranemi: Martine Vergunst.
‘Nutritional Status of patients with stroke in the hospital’. Fyrirlestur haldinn á the eigth
quadrennial congress á Nordica hóteli, Reykjavík, 01.06.2007.
http://www.eanncongress.hi.is/pp/program.html Höfundar: Machteld Mosselman, Marieke
Schuurmans og Þóra B. Hafsteinsdóttir. Flytjandi meistaranemi: Floor Gooskens.
‘Evidence Based Neuroscience Nursing: A Call for an Action’ frummælandi (key note
speaker) á the eigth quadrennial congress haldinn af European Association of
Neuroscience Nurses, haldin á Nordica hóteli, Reykjavík, 02.06.2007.
http://www.eanncongress.hi.is/pp/program.html Höfundur: Þóra B. Hafsteinsdóttir,
fyrirlestur fluttur af Þóru B. Hafsteinsdóttur.
Clinical Nursing Rehabilitation Guideline STROKE: The way to Evidence Based Practice’, [Í
dagskrá: Neue Studienergebnisse für die Pflege von Patienten mit Schlaganfall] Boðið að
vera frummælandi á 5. Hjúkrunarvísindaráðstefnu í Hamburg, Þýskalandi [5.
Gesundheitspflege-Kongress] haldin 2. og 3.11.2007. ELYSEE Hotel Hamburg
http://www.dbfk.de/nw/aktuell/hh07.pdf Höfundur: Þóra B. Hafsteinsdóttir, fyrirlestur
fluttur af Þóru B. Hafsteinsdóttur.
“Zitten en wachten...” De dagbesteding van een patiënt met een beroerte op een
revalidatieafdeling van een verpleeghuis [Sitting and waiting… how patients with stroke
spend their days on a rehabilitation ward of a nursing home]. Fyrirlestur haldinn á
Vlaams-Nederlands Wetenschappelijk congress, haldinn í Amsterdam, 30.11.2007.
http://www.levv.nl/index.php?id=40 Höfundar: Marleen Huijben-Schoenmakers, Claudia
Gamel, Þóra B. Hafsteinsdóttir. Fyrirlestur fluttur af meisaranema: Marleen Huijben-
Theoretische achtergrond bij de keuze voor een taakgerichte revalidatiebenadering voor
patiënten met een beroerte.[Theoretical background of task oriented training in the nursing
care of patients with stroke]. Fyrirlestur haldinn á Vlaams-Nederlands Wetenschappelijk
congres, haldinn í Amsterdam, 30.11.2007. http://www.levv.nl/index.php?id=40.
Höfundar: Marijke Rensink, Eline Lindeman, Marieke Schuurmans og Þóra B.
Hafsteinsdóttir. Fyrirlestur fluttur af doktorsnema: Marijke Rensink.
Therapeutische interventies bij depressie na een beroerte: een systematische review.[Post
Stroke Depression, Therapeutic Interventions] Fyrirlestur haldinn á Vlaams-Nederlands