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Manuela M. Pereira1, Patrícia N. Refojo, Gudmundur O. Hreggvidsson, Sigridur
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Einkaleyfi. Ævarsson, A., T. Blondal, O.H. Fridjonsson, S. Skirnisdottir, S. Hjörleifsdóttir,
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Guðrún Marteinsdóttir pófessor
Greinar í ritrýndum fræðiritum
Distribution and migration of saithe (Pollachius virens) around Iceland inferred from mark-
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Jonsson, J. D. Neilson, and G. Marteinsdottir.
Drift probabilities for Icelandic cod larvae. ICES Journal Marine Sciences 2007, 64: 49-59.
Brickman, D., G. Marteinsdottir, K. Logemann and I. Harms.
Optimized Biophysical Model for Icelandic Cod Larvae. Fisheries Oceanography 2007,
16:448-458. Brickman, D., Taylor, L., Gudmundsdottir, A., and Marteinsdottir, G.
Formulation and application of an efficient optimized biophysical model. Marine Ecol. Prog.
Series. 347:275-284. Brickmann, D., G. Marteinsdottir, L. Taylor.
The collapse of Iceland scallop (Chlamys islandica) fisheries in Breidifjordur, West Iceland.
ICES J. Mar Sci. 2007. 64: 298-308. Jónasson, J. P., Thorarinsdottir, G., Eiriksson, H.,
Solmundsson, J. and Marteinsdottir, G.
Contribution of different spawning components to the mixed stock fishery of cod in Icelandic
waters. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 2007, 64(9):1749-1759. Jonsdottir, I, S. Campana and G.
Fræðileg grein
Útbreiðsla og göngur ufsa við Ísland. 2007. Ægir 100(8), 29-33. Hlynur Ármannsson,
Sigurður Þór Jónsson og Guðrún Marteinsdóttir.
Fræðilegar skýrslur og álitsgerðir
Hrygningaratferli og mökunartíðni eldis og villtra þorska 2007. Líffræðistofnun,
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