Ritaskrá Háskóla Íslands - 01.05.2008, Blaðsíða 479
Thomas Philip Runarsson and Egill Orn Jonsson, Effect of look-ahead search depth in
learning position evaluation functions for Othello using e-greedy exploration. IEEE
Computational Intelligence and Games, pp 210-215, 2007.
Rúnar Unnthorsson, Thomas Philip Runarsson, Magnus Thor Jonsson. Monitoring the
evolution of individual AE sources in cyclically loaded FRP composites. International
Conference on Acoustic Emission, , Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA, pp 318- 323, 2007.
Rúnar Unnthorsson, Thomas Philip Runarsson, Magnus Thor Jonsson. On using AE hit
patterns for monitoring cyclically loaded CFRP, International Conference on Acoustic
Emission, , Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA, pp 342- 347, 2007.
Effect of look-ahead search depth in learning position evaluation functions for Othello using
e-greedy exploration. IEEE Computational Intelligence and Games
Computationally Intensive Projects within the University of Iceland. NREN and GRID
Conference 2007, the 18th of October 2007.
Evolutionary approaches to constraint handling. The First IEEE Symposium on Foundations
of Computational Intelligence (FOCI'07) 1-5 April 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Sponsored by IEEE Computational Intelligence Society.
Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation. [ 2 pt] http://ieee-
cis.org/pubs/tec/editors/According to the 2006 ISI journal citation reports, the impact
factor of the IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation is 3.770, which places it at
the 3rd among 85 "Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence" journals, (Int J of Computer
Vision and IEEE T-PAMI are the first two) the 2nd among 75 "Computer Science, Theory
& Methods" journals, (ACM Computing Survey is the first) and the 9th among all 392
Computer Science journals.
Umhverfis- og byggingarverkfræði
Birgir Jónsson dósent
Birgir Jonsson, 2007: “Former Lakes in the Highlands of Iceland”. Icel. Geoscience Soc.
Spring Conference, Reykjavik, April 27th.
Birgir Jonsson, 2007: “Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment and Visual Impacts
of Power projects”. Fyrirlestur á námskeiðinu; Drink your energy! From water to
electricity, á vegum Board of European Students of Technology, haldið í Reykjavík 18th-
24th March.