Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2007, Page 147
Soft bottom macro fauna species
composition in Faroese íjords
Botndýr í bleytbotni áføroyskum firðum
Jan Sørensen', Jógvan F. Hansen2 and Regin Joensen3
Kaldbak Marinc Biological Station, Mjólkargøta, FO-180 Kaldbak, Faroc Islands.
Telephonc +298 356111, Fax +298 356110,
Eniail: ',,
Sjálvt um reiðiliga nógv vísindaligt tilfar cr almanna-
kunngjørl um ryggleysu dýrini á botni á føroyskum
sjóøki, so hevur djóranøgdin verið rættiliga lítið við-
gjørd. Hetta hevur stóran týdning, tá ið metast skal
um, um nakrar broytingar fara fram.
Havlívírøðiliga royndarstøðin hevur tey seinastu
fimm til tíggju árini gjørt botnkanningar á føroyskum
firðunt, og úrslitini í hesi grein byggja á 63 grabba-
sýni, surn eru tikin úr 10 ymiskum støðum í Føroyum.
Sýnini eru øll 0,1 m2, og fevnir tilfarið um sand, silt
og leir og blandingar av teimum.
I greinini verður hvør einstøk støð lýst við knatt-
støðu, botntilfari, grabbanøgd, dýpi, Shannon-fjøl-
broytnistali, Pielou-javnleikatali, ES10(|, býti av størru
djórabólkunum í prosentum og einum lista við fimm
teimum vanligastu djórasløgunum í sýninum.
Although a fair amount of papers arc published about
benthic invertebrates in Faroese waters surprisingly
little is published about thc abundancc of the animals.
Abundance is important information whcn changcs in
the bcnthic environment have to bc evaluated.
For the last 5-10 years Kaldbak Marine Biological
station has put a lot of effort in shallow water investi-
gations as part of environmcntal impact assessments
and monitoring. Sixty three grab samples arc included
in the present paper and these wcre taken from ten dif-
ferent localities in the Faroe Islands. The samples are
all grab samples of 0.1 m2, and the encountered sedi-
ments arc sand, silt and clay and mixtures of these.
In this paper each station is described with infor-
mation on position, type of sediment, volume of the
sample, dcpth, Shannon diversity index, Pielou even-
ness index, ESI00, percentage of the major marine in-
vertebrate groups, and a list of the five most frequent
species from each sample.
The species composition of the benthic
macro fauna of Faroe Islands is fairly well
known. Large scale benthic surveys from
1926-27 as well as occasional single sam-
ples from late 19th century to about 1930
were published in a comprehensive six
volumes publication “The Zoology of the
Faroes” (Jensen et al., 1928-1971) and in-
cluded samples from the seashore to about
200 meter depth. Species from all major
phyla were reported.
1 1988-91 the BIOFAR programme
sampled more than 600 different stations
Fróðskaparrit 55. bók 2007: 145-176