Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1963, Side 87
Firejly: A new environment and
new undertaking call forth pre-
viously unknown talents.
'Worm: Yes—that is why I have
made up my mind to run away to-
night. I am waiting for the dark.
The way toward the light leads
through darkness. I long for the
freedom on the other side of the
Firefly (jumps to her feet): But,
Worm, the waterfall is on the border,
and the bridge over the waterfall is
narrow—the blacker the darkness,
fhe narrower the bridge. Remember
that you are lame and one-eyed.
Worm: I know I can’t flee all by
Firefly (calmer, in a low and tender
voice); I wouldn’t stray off the
hridge if you were with me. I should
have to be careful so I could pro-
tect you.
Worm: But I can’t let you guide me,
Firefly (starts; silent for a mom-
ent): You are rejecting that which
y°u want; you want me to guide
y°u, but you don’t know it.
orm: Your words are large in the
Firefly: In his innermost being,
everybody desires whatever he
needs for his happiness. You need
'ne to guide you. I am not meant to
guide those who don’t need my
guidance. I know that I was given
jght for no other purpose than to
!. Urnine the way for those who need
^orm: I am waiting for my sweet-
Firefly: You are waiting against
your will. You are waiting for a
companion whom you don’t want.
Worm: It is Butterfly who is going
with me.
Firefly (silent for a moment): Sup-
pose she were to lead you off the
Worm: I would rather die with her
than live without her.
Firefly: Your love for her will last
only as long as she is young and
beautiful outwardly. It is the kind of
love which Providence employs to
unite two different human beings
for the sake of propagating the
species; their own wills are dis-
regarded. Your soul doesn’t love
Butterfly. The soul’s love is the only
love which lasts beyond death and
the grave.
Worm: I admit that I would rather
be in love with you; yet it is Butter-
fly I love, not you.
Firefly (joyously): Now you know
what you want.
Worm: It is possible that, because of
your influence, this is not my true
Firefly: It is your true will, for the
will is selfish. The will is always,
always selfish. Even those who
make the greatest sacrifices for
others do so for their own sake, for
they want to feel good, knowing that
self-sacrifice and good deeds create
a sense of bliss and peace of mind.
Those who value their souls, willing-
ly undergo physical suffering to
secure happiness for their souls.
Worm: Since I am so divided against