Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1963, Síða 107
ANGLO-SAXON england and iceland
18. Kormáks saga (ÍF, VIII, 1939), ch. 27.
19. Valla-Ljóls saga (fF, IX, 1956), ch. 8.
20. Bjarnar saga Hiidælakappa (ÍF, III,
1938), ch. 5.
21. Heiðarvíga saga, ch. 14.
22. Flaieyjarbok, II, 267.
23. The Book of ihe Icelanders, ed. H.
Hermannsson (Islandica, XX), Ithaca,
1930, ch. 1.
24. Thule is mentioned in Bedes De
Temporum raiione, ch XXXI (J. P.
Migne Paírologia Lalina, XC, 434-
436); in his De naiura rerum, ch.
XLVII (ibid col. 273); also in his In
libros regum quaesiionum XXX
liber I, ch. 25 (ibid. XCI, 732).
25. Landnámabók íslands, ed. F. Jóns-
son, Copenhagen, 1900.
26. See Corolla Sancli Eadmundi, ed. by
Lord Francis Hervey, New York 1907,
PP. 6-59. This work contains all the
principal source material on St. Ed-
27. Landnámabók, ch. b. The genealogy
in Njáls saga (ÍF, 1954), ch. 113, var-
ies considerably.
28. English chroniclers do not mention
Oswald but coins indicate that there
was an East Anglican king of that
name about 870. See Handbook of
Briiish Chronology, ed. F. Maurice
Powicke and E. B. Fryde, London
1961, p. 19. This may be our man.
29. The genealogy according to Land-
námabók and later Icelandic works.
See Jón Jóhannesson, íslendinga
saga, Reykjavik, 1956-1958, p. 26.
20. The genealogy is printed in Tíminn,
XXXVII, No. 120, 2 June 1953. There
is more than one version of Auðun’s
genealogy (see Landnámabók, ch.
224; Greiiis saga (ÍF, VII, 1936), pp.
XVIII-XXIII, 26; Laxdæla, pp. 113-
21. The Book of ihe Icelanders, ch. 12.
32. Egil's saga, chs. 59-61.
33. Stefan Einarsson, A hisiory of Ice-
landic liieraiure, New York, 1957, p.
49. The rime and possibly the metre
of both Höfuðlausn and the Anglo-
Saxon verse go back to Irish-Latin
34. Gunnlaugs saga ormslungu, (ÍF, III,
1938) ch. 7.
35. Biskupa sögur, I, p. 65. See also Jón
Stefánsson, “Rúðólfur í Bæ”, Eim-
reiðin, LV (1949), 88-93.
36. G. Turville-Petre, The Heroic Age of
Scandinavia, London, 1951, p. 177.
37. G. Turville-Petre, Origins of Ice-
landic liieraiure, Oxford, 1953, p. 75.
38. Ibid, pp. 115-120.
39. Cf. Watson Kirkconnell, “History in
Icelandic Vocabulary,” Icelandic Ca-
nadian, VI (1948), No. 4, pp. 11-12.
40. Hiðarvíga saga, ch. 12; Eyrbyggja
saga (ÍF, IV, 1935), p. 185.
41. Greiiis saga, ch. 9.
42. Cf. C. E. Wright, The Culiivaiion of
Saga in Anglo-Saxon England, Edin-
burgh, 1939.
43. On these book collections see my
articles in Speculum XXXII (1957),
502-510; and Nordisk Tidsskrifi för
Bok-och Biblioiekvasen, XLVT (1959),
111-123; XLVII (1960), 90-103.
44. Biskupa sögur, I, pp. 124, 357.
45. T. J. Oleson, “Book Collections of
Icelandic Churches”, Speculum,
XXXII (1957), p. 506.
46. Biskupa sögur, I, pp. 641-632.
47. F. L. Attenborough, The Laws of ihe
earliesi English Kings, Cambridge,
1922, p. 28 (Wihtred 20).
48. D. Whitelock, Anglo-Saxon Wills,
Cambridge, 1930, pp. 42, 147. The
word has puzzled scholars and they
have been unable to translate it.