Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1963, Qupperneq 110

Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1963, Qupperneq 110
92 TÍMARIT ÞJÓÐRÆKNISFÉLAGS ISLENDINGA soul is alotted a sphere, be it ever so humble, for enriching himself and all humanity. Some critics, especially of these latter days would convince us that Bertel Thorvaldsen was no creative artist in his own right, that he merely recreated and polished that traditional and noble art which at that time stood at its peak in Rome. But one must be wary of such judg- ments, for although Thorvaldsen was undeniably bound by tradition and a classicist in his art there was a rich creative element in his han- dling of the subject matter, which is evident in his works. There is not space to go into details on his technique here, but we must keep in mind that at this time after the French revolution and the Napo- leonic wars there was a vast up- heaval in all Europe in art as in other phases of life. Artists were trying to rise and unburden them- selves from all the rubbish and showiness of the Rococo and Baro- que periods, and it was Bertel Thorvaldsen who was one of the frst to lift the art of Europe from this cluttered pomp of scrolls and curlicues into a realm of simple purity of form and feeling. His art has always been designated as coming directly from a n c i e n t Greece, but there was one con- necting link in between, — and this was the Greek-Roman art following the renaissance, built also upon the antique Greek style. The famous Italian, Canova, was perhaps the first interpretor of this new art, but Thorvaldsen was his desciple and by many considered to be his superior. Self-portrait: Thorvaldsen with the Godess of Hope, Reykjavík Thorvaldsen was the a r t i s t, “higher than all Israel”, and greatly lauded by the great writer, Hendrick Willem Van Loon in his book on “The Arts”. Van Loon rightly con- tends that it is not enough for gov- erments and authorities to try to impose culture on the people from the top down; for the creative arts are born of, and nourished by the human spirit. In this connection he says: “Not to forget Russia, where desperate efforts were made to found a national school of painting and where some very interesting work was done, but work that rarely got rid of the atmosphere of Chauve Souris of amiable memory. For art cannot become inspired by royal or imperial rescript. It either happens or it does not happen. The French
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Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga

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