Reykjavík Grapevine - 07.01.2006, Qupperneq 47

Reykjavík Grapevine - 07.01.2006, Qupperneq 47
It’s the journey - not the destination ÍS LE N SK A A U G LÝ SI N G A ST O FA N /S IA .I S H ER 2 97 74 09 /2 00 5 The best and easiest way to get to know the rugged beauty of Iceland is simply to have your own car. We are your car rental experts in Iceland. +354 50 50 600 • Hertz locations in Iceland: Keflavík Airport, Reykjavík, Ísafjörður, Akureyri, Höfn, Egilsstaðir Að minnsta 500 milljón og 300 þúsund manns skilja þína auglýsingu ef hún væri hér. – Reykjavík’s Only English Language NewspaperThe Reykjavík Grapevine Auglýsingadeild The Reykjavík Grapevine | 540 3600 | 6.490.065.483 EINSTAKLINGAR Í HEIMINUM GETA EKKI LESIÐ ÞESSA SETNINGU At least 500 million can read this one!


Reykjavík Grapevine

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