

Læknablaðið - 01.09.1956, Page 44

Læknablaðið - 01.09.1956, Page 44
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ ihe drug of ehoice .. .as a tranquilizing agent in anxiety and tension states .. .in hypertension RALDIXIIM Squibb Whole Root Rauwolfia As a tranquilzing agent, Raudizin is useful in the treatment of anxiety and tension states. It producec a calming effect, usually free of lethargy and hangover, and vvithout the loss of alertness often associated with barbiturate sadation. It does not significantly lower the blood pressure of normotensive patients. In hypertension, Raudixin produces a gradual, sustained lowering of blood pressure. In addition, its mild bradycardic effect helps reduce the work load of the heart. ° Less likely to produce depression. ° Less likely ta produce Parkinson-Iike symptoms. ° Causes no liver dysfunction. 0 No serial blood counts necessary during maintenance therapy. ° Not habit-forming — tolerance and cumulation not reported. ° The hazard of overdosage is virtually absent. Raudixin supplies the total activity of the whole rauwolfia root, accurately standardized by a rigorous series of test methods to assure consistent, predictable results. The total activity of Raudizin is not accouunted for by its reserpine content alone. S u p p 1 y : 50 mg. and 100 mg. tablets, bottle of 25, 100 and 1000.



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