

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1976, Síða 32

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1976, Síða 32
16 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ TABLE 1 Reported morbidity from pulmonary, nonpulmonary and combined forms of tuberculosis by year 1911-1940. Rate per 1000 and total number of cases.* Year Total number of cases new and recrudeseent. Rate of new cases and recrudescent (relapses) Total number of cases remaining on (relapses) Pulmonary Nonpulmonary Combined register December 31 1911 216 2.28 0.90 3.17 327 1912 246 2.50 1.14 3.64 403 1913 198 2.08 0.70 2.78 348 1914 261 2.59 1.29 3.88 382 1915 279 2.59 1.26 3.85 449 1916 232 2.00 1.20 3.19 343 1917 227 2.07 1.26 3.34 336 1918 206 2.14 1.03 3.17 321 1919 234 2.48 1.17 3.64 377 1920 272 2.70 1.21 3.91 497 1921 310 3.09 1.56 4.65 526 1922 367 3.46 2.01 5.47 573 1923 321 2.70 2.31 5.01 536 1924 359 3.25 2.06 5.31 610 1925 527 4.74 2.42 7.16 861 1926 425 3.50 2.11 5.61 798 1927 519 4.47 2.20 6.67 921 1928 508 4.10 2.51 6.62 1.030 1929 529 4.03 2.76 6.79 989 1930 550 4.09 2.92 7.01 1.072 1931 557 4.23 2.78 7.01 884 1932 644 4.22 3.78 8.00 1.112 1933 1.113 4.91 4.90 9.82 1.553 1934 1.016 4.08 4.78 8.85 1.631 1935 850 3.43 3.91 7.34 1.828 1936 622 2.66 2.66 5.32 1.702 1937 658 3.22 2.37 5.59 1.524 1938 540 2.92 1.62 4.54 1.478 1939 570 3.63 1.11 4.74 1.087 1940 522 3.13 1.17 4.29 1.106 Rates are calculated from percentage of the total population covered by reporting. From year 1933 this covered the whole population. nema 70-80% af skráningarskýrslum hér- ársins 1933. Frá og með árinu 1933 fást aöann (tafla 2, bls. 8 í heimild101), og mun- berklaskráningarskýrslur úr öllum héruð- aöi þar mest um Reykjavík, sem vantaði til urn landsins. Þá köstuðu læknar oft mjög
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