

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1976, Blaðsíða 23

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1976, Blaðsíða 23
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 95 13. Hirsch, J., Farquhar, J. W., Ahrens, E. H., Paterson, M. L., Stoffel, W. Studies of adipose tissue in man. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 8, 499. 1960. 14. Hóprannsókn Hjartaverndar 1967-1968. Skýrsla AIII. 1973. 15. Household Food Consumption and Expendi- ture 1970 and 1971. Her Majestys Station- ery Office. 1973. 16. Kannel, W. B., Castelli, W. P„ Gordon, T.. McNamara, P. M. Serum cholesterol, lipo- proteins and the risk of coronary heart disease. The Framingham Study. Ann. Intern. Med. 74, I. 1971. 17. Keys, A. (Editor). Coronary heart disease in seven countries. Circulation 41, Suppl. I. 1970. 18. Keys, A. Sucrose in the diet and coronary heart disease. Atherosclerosis 14, 193. 1971. 19. Keys, A„ Anderson, J. T„ Grande, F. Serum cholesterol response to changes in the diet. Part I-IV. Metabolism 14, 747. 1965. 20. Lewis, B„ Chait, A„ Wootton, I„ Oakley, C. M„ Krikler, D. M„ Sigurdsson, G„ February, A„ Maurer, B. Frequency of risk factors for ischaemic heart disease in a healthy British population. Lancet 1, 141. 1974. 21. Marr, J. W. Dietary survey methods. Indi- vidual and group aspects. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. 66, 639. 1973. 22. McCance, R. A„ Widdowson, E. M. The composition of foods. Medical Research Council Special Report Series No. 297. HMSO 1969. 23. Miettinen, M„ Turpeinen, O., Karvonen, M. J„ Elosuo, R„ Paaviliainen, E. Effect of cholesterol lowering diet on mortality from coronary heart disease and other causes. A twelve-year clinical trial in men and women. Lancet 2, 835. 1972. 24. Newman, H„ Zilversmit, D. B. Uptake and release of cholesterol by rabbit athero- matous lesion. Circulat. Res. 18, 293. 1966. 26. Ölafsson, Trausti. Efnagreiningar nokkurra matvæla. Viðauki við Mataræði og heilsu- far á Islandi (Júlíus Sigurjónsson, 1943). 27. Pekkarinen, M„ Kivioja, S„ Jortikka, L. Comparison of the food intake of rural families estimated by one-day recall and precise weighing methods. Voeding 28, 470. 1967. 28. Pikkarainen, J„ Takkunen, J„ Kulonen, E. Serum cholesterol in Finnish twins. Amer. J. Hum. Genet. 18, 115. 1966. 29. Schaefer, L. E„ Adlersberg, D„ Steinberg, A. G. Heredity, environment and serum cholesterol. Circulation 17, 537. 1958. 30. Sigurjónsson, Júlíus. Mataræði og heilsu- far á Islandi. Rannsóknir Manneldisráðs I. 1939-1940. 31. Stamler, J„ Berkson, D. M„ Lindberg, H. in The Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis. Editors Wissler & Geer. 1972. 32. Yudkin, J. Dietary sugar and coronary heart disease. Nutr. News 32, 9. 1969.
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