Læknablaðið - 01.02.1977, Blaðsíða 76
Læknablaðinu hafa nýlega borizt leiðbein-
ingar Ameríska læknafélagsins varðandi
notkun tauga- og geðlyfja (Guidelines for
the use of psychoactive drugs approved
by the AMA Department of Drugs and
the AMA Council on Mental Health). Vegna
umræðna um þessi mál hérlendis þykir rétt
að birta þessar reglur í blaðinu nú.
AMA Prescribing Guideiines
1. Use barbiturates and other sedative-
hypnotics for relief of severe symptoms, but
avoid them for minor complaints of distress
or discomfort.
2. Attempts to diagnose and treat under-
lying disorders before relying on drugs of
this class for symptomatic relief.
3. Assess susceptibility of the patient to
drug abuse before prescribing barbiturates
or any other psychoactive drugs. Weigh
benefits against hazards.
4. Use dosages that will not lower sen-
sory perception, responsiveness to the en-
vironment or alertness below safe levels.
5. Know how to administer barbiturates
when clinically indicated for withdrawal in
cases of drug dependence of the barbiturate
6. Using periodic checkups and family
consultations, monitor possible development
of dependence in patients who.are on an
extended sedative-hypnotic regimen.
7. Prescribe no greater quantity of a drug
than is needed until the next checkup.
8. Warn patients to avoid possible ad-
verse effects because of interaction with
other drugs, including alcohol.
9. Counsel patients as to the proper use
of medication — follow directions on the
label, dispose of old medicine no longer
needed, keep medicine out of reach of
children, do not “share" prescription drugs
with others.
10. Convey to patients through your own
attitude and manner that drugs, no matter
how helpful, are only one part of an overall
plan of treatment and management.