

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1978, Qupperneq 26

Læknablaðið - 01.12.1978, Qupperneq 26
180 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ ORÐALISTI REAGIN PRÓF: Nontreponemal próf, sem mæla reagin mótefni (ekki Ig E). Þessi próf eru ekki sérhæfð. ART: Automated reagin test. Sjálfvirkt próf, sem er afbrigði af VDRL prófinu. VDRL: Veneral Disease Research Laboratory. TREPONEMAL PRÓF: Sérhæfð blóðvatnspróf til greiningar á sárasótt. FTA-ABS: Fluorescent treponemal antibody ab- sorption. TPI: Treponema pallidum immohilization. TPHA: Treponema pallidum hemagglutination assay. AMHA-TP: Automated microhemagglutination to Treponema pallidum. ELISA: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. BFP: Biologic false positive. Táknar falskt pósitift próf. ÞAKKARORÐ Við þökkum Arinbirni Kolbeinssyni, yfir- lækni, og Birnu Oddsdóttur, meinatækni, fyrir aðgang að niðurstöðum syphilisprófa við Rannsóknastofu Háskólans. Sömuleiðis þökkum við Kristínu Pálsdóttur fyrir vél- ritun handrits. SUMMARY The control of veneral diseases in Iceland has been centralized for several decades. The inci- dence of primary and secondary syphilis 1950— 1975 is presented (Figure 1). The mean inci- dence is 3.99/100.000. There are peaks in the incidence rate 1950 and 1964, or at about the same time as the peaks in other countries. Serologic tests for syphilis, the Kahn and Meinicke tests are done in The Serologic Laboratorium of The University of Iceland and the VDRL is used at The Blood Bank. A total of 60.312 sera and 1.373 CSF specimens were tested in The Serologic Laboratorium 1961— 1975. Of all reactive tests, 40—45% were con- sidered false positive, without a confirmatory treponemal test. This is a high precentage com- pared to other studies. Three syphilis patients have been found among donors during the last ten yeares, resulting in one syphilis case in eight to ten thousand donors. The two relatively new treponemal tests, TPHA and ELISA, seem to be promising in a small community with a low incidence like Ice- land, due to low cost and simplicity. Finally we stress the importance of having a specific treponemal test for syphilis. HEIMILDIR 1. Coffey, E.M., Bradford, L.L., Naritomi, L.S., Wood, R.M.: Evaluation of the Qualitative and automated Quantitative Microhemag- glutination Assay for Antibodies to Trepo- nema pallidum Appl. Microbiol. 24:26-30, 1972. 2. Cohen, P., Stout, G., Ende, N.: Serologic reactivity in consecutive patients admitted to a general hospital. Arch Intern Med 124: 364-367, 1969. 3. Cox, P.M., Logan, L.C., Norins, L.C.: Auto- mated, Quantitative Microhemagglutination Assay or Treponema pallidum Antibodies Appl. Microbiol. 18:485-489, 1969. 4. Deacon, W.E., Lucas, J.B., Price, E.V.: Fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption (FTA-ABS) test for syphilis. JAMA, 198. 624-628, 1966. 5. Duncan, W.C., Knox, J.M., Wende, R.D.: The FTA-ABS test in dark-field positive primary syphilis. JAMA 228:859-860, 1974. 6. Fiumara, N.J.: Biologic false-positive re- aetion for syphilis. New Engl. J.Med. 268: 402-405, 1963. 7. Fleming, W.L., Brown, W.J., Donohue, J.F., Braningan, P.W.: National survey of vene- ral disease treated by physicians in 1968. JAMA 211:1827-1830, 1970. 8. Fowler, E., Gilbert, M.K., Allen, R.H.: A comparison of four screening test for the detection of syphilis. Canadian Journal of Public Health 67:482-484, 1976. 9. Goldman, J.N., Lantz, M.A.: FTA-ABS and VDRL slide test reactivity in a population of nuns. JAMA 217:53-55, 1971. 10. Guðmundsson, H.: Veneral diseases in Ice- land. Acta dermatovenerologica 31:412-418, 1951. 11. Harvey, A.M., Shulman, L.E.: Connective tissue disease and the chronic biologic false- positive serologic test for syphilis (BFP reaction). Med Clin N Am 50:1271-1279, 1966. 12. Heilbrigðisskýrslur (Public health in Ice- land): 1950—1975. Reykjavík. 13. Holmes, K.K.: Syphilis. In: Thorn, Adams, Braunwald Isselbacher, Petersdorf: Harri- son’s Principles of internal medicine (8th ed.vol.l), McGraw-Hill, New York 1977, pp 917-928. 14. The inter-country spread of veneral dis- eases — Report of a working group — Copenhagen 7—10 December 1971. Regional office for Europe, WHO Copenhagen, 1972.
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