

Læknablaðið - 01.07.1979, Side 30

Læknablaðið - 01.07.1979, Side 30
136 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ höndum og fótum kæmu betur fram á röntgenmynd. SUMMARY This paper describes the effect of lidocain when used simultaneously with contraist- medium for angiography to reduce the uncom- fortable side-effects of the contrast-medium (Angiografin). A double-blind method was used and 38 patients were studied, each undergoing two examinations, one with and the other without lidocain. A marked reduction in side-effects was noted in 34 patients, when lidocain was used, two patients felt no difference and two patients ex- perienced equal or worse side-effects with lido- cain. These two patients both had extensive collateral circulation. HEIMILDIR 1. Almen, T., Bojsen, E., Lindell, S.E.: Metriza- mide in Angiography. Femoral Angiography Acta Radiol. (Diag) 18:33-38, Jan. 1977. 2. Anastasio, C., Roscoe N.G., Miller, E.: Intra- arterial Injection of Procaine. Am.J.Roent- genol 791-793, April 1971. 3. Chuang, V.P., Widrich, W.C., Complica- tions from intraarterial Lidocaine in Upper Extremity Arteriopraphy.Am.J.Roentgenol 131:906, November 1978. 4. Evensen, A., Eyjólfsson, Ó., Johnsrud, N., Jónmundsson, E.: Metrizamide as contrast medium in Angiography of the Extremities. Tidskrift for Den Norske Lægeforening Nr. 30, 1977 1565—1566. 5. Foldes, FF., Molloy, RE., McNall, PG. et al: Comparison of toxicity of intravenously given local anesthetic agents in man JAMA 172:1493-1498, April. 1960. 6. Gordon, I.J., Westscott, J.L.: Intraarterial Lidocain: An effective analgesic for peri- pheral Angiography Radiology 124:43-45, July 1977. 7. Guthaner, D.F., Silverman, J.F., Hayden, W.G., Wexler, L.: Intraarterial Analgesia in Peripheral Arteriography.AM.J.Roent- genol 128:737-739, May. 1977. 8. Hilal, SK.: Hemodynamic changes associated with the intraarterial injection of contrast media. New toxicity tests and a new experi- mental contrast medium Radiology 86:615- 633, April. 1966. 9. Löfgren, N.: Studies on Local Anesthetic Lidocaine, a New Synthetic Drug. Stock- holm, Ivan Halggstrom, 1948. 10. Widrich, W.C., Robbins, A.H., Goldstein, S.A., Singer, R.J.: Adjuvant Intraarterial Lidocaine in Aortofemoral Arteriography. Some further Observati ons. Radiology 129: 371, November 1978. 11. Widrich, W.C., Singer, R.J., Robbins, A.H.: The use of Intraarterial Lidocaine to con- trol pain due to Aortofemoral Arteriography Radiology 124:37-41, July 1977. LÆKNASTOFUR SNYRTILEGA INNRÉTTAÐAR LÆKNASTOFUR TIL LEIGU AÐ LAUGAVEGI 43. SJÁLFVIRKUR SÍMSVARI OG GOTT RÝMI FYRIR SPJALDSKRÁR HJÁ LÆKNARITARA. UFPL. í SIMA 14028 KL. 10—12 F.H. OG 3—4 E.H.



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