

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1989, Blaðsíða 11

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1989, Blaðsíða 11
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 335 As the denominator in this definition is the whole population, different age distributions introduce a confounding factor. In this study correction is made for possible age discrepancy by indirect standardization using similar statistical methods as have been described for »Standardized Mortality Ratio« (SMR). Prescribed amount of drugs to the study population was compared to that in Sweden and the following formula was designed for calculating the expected antimicrobial consumption in the study area, had the age distribution been the same as in Sweden: (consumption in groupxpercentage of groups inhabitants in the group). The prescription rate was shown to be 85.5 prescriptions/1000 inhabitans/month. Antimicrobials were significantly more often prescribed to women compared to men (p<0.001). Both absolute and relative figures showed the highest prescription rate to the age group of 0-4 years. When examining the amount measured in DDD in relation to agegroups, it is evident that the the antimicrobial prescribing to children does not explain the observed difference in antimicrobial usage between the two countries. The total amount of antimicrobials prescribed was 23.5 DDD/1000 inhabitants/day. If age is corrected to the Swedish population the rate increases to 26.5 DDD/1000/inhabitants/day. These results do not support the study hypothesis. The antimicrobial consumption in Sweden 1986 was 15.1 DDD/1000 inhabitants/day. This figure can then be compared with the age correlated figure of our study (26,5 DDD/1000 inhabitants/day), demonstrating a »standardized DDD ratio« of 0.57 (p<0.05). These results emphasize the importance of using indirect standardization especially when comparing consumption of certain types of drugs between populations. It has been postulated that the age distribution of the Icelandicpopulation changes in the future and becomes similar to the distribution of the Swedish population today. Therefore indirectly standardized figure of 26.5 DDD/1000 inhabitants/day can be explained as expected antimicrobial consumption in Sudumes and Hafnarfjördur districts. This means that if the doctors prescrip.tion habits will be unchanged, we can expect increased antimicrobial consumption in the future. HEIMILDIR 1. Nordiska lakemedelsnamnden. Nordisk lakemedelsstatistik/Statistics on medicines 1981-1983 Part I and II, Uppsala 1985 (NLN-publication No 14 and 15). 2. Mabeck CE. Infektionssygdomme og brug af antiinfektiva i almen praksis i de nordiske lande. í: Infektioner i Primarv&rd. Eds. PA Márdh, C Borchgrevink, O Gorbatow, B Hovelius, CE Mabeck, A Schwan & JA Sigurdsson. Almqvist & Wiksell förlag, Stockholm 1986: 251-5. 3. Hovelius B. Infektionspanoramat vid en várdcentral. Sjukhuset 1981; 58: 500-1. 4. Hovelius B, Widáng K. Förkylning eller biháleinfektion? í: Infektioner i Primárvárd. Eds. PA Márdh, C Borchgrevink, O Gorbatow, B Hovelius, CE Mabeck, A Schwan & JA Sigurdsson. Almqvist & Wiksell förlag, Stockholm 1986: 75-9. 5. Byggðastofnun, Þróunarsvið. Dreifiblöð 1986. 6. Nordiska Rádet och Nordiska Statistiska Sekretariatet. Skriflegar upplýsingar 1985. 7. Sigurdsson JA. Primárvárd, allmánmedicin, handlággning av infektionssjukdomar Island. I: Infektioner i Primárvárd. Eds. PA Márdh, C Borchgrevink, O Gorbatow, B Hovelius, CE Mabeck, A Schwan & JA Sigurdsson. Almqvist & Wiksell förlag, Stockholm 1986: 32-7. 8. Sigurðsson JÁ, Oddson Á, Magnússon G, Jónsson H, Blöndal Þ. Ávísanir á lyf. Könnun á lyfjaávísunum lækna á Suðumesjum og í Hafnarfirði 1.-15. apríl 1986. Læknablaðið 1989; 75: 63-6. 9. Oddsson Á, Jónsson H, Magnússon G, Sigurðsson JA. Ávísanir á sýklalyf. Könnun á ávísanavenjum heimilislækna á sýklalyf á Suðumesjum og í Hafnarfirði 1.-15. apríl 1986. Læknablaðið 1989; 75: 91-4. 10. Ahlbom A, Norell A. Grundvallaratriði í faraldsfræði. Þýðandi Vilhjálmur Rafnsson 1986. 11. Nordiska lákemedelsnámnden. Nordisk lákemedelsstatistik/Statistic on medicines 1984-1986. Uppsala 1988 (NLN-publication No 21). 12. Pétursson P. Samskiptaskráning í Bolungarvík. Obirtar upplýsingar 1988. 13. Svensk lákemedelsstatistik 1985. Apoteksbolaget Stockholm, Text & Tryck AB, Spánga 1986. s.75. 14. Pétursson P. Heilsugæsla í Bolungarvík. Afrakstur samskiptaskráningar 1983-86. Heilbrigðisskýrslur. Fylgirit 1988 nr. 5. Landlæknisembættið 1989. 15. Grímsson A, Olafsson Ó. Dmg prescriptions in Reykjavík according to age, sex and marital status. í: Dmgs in Iceland. Landlæknisembættið 1981: 65- 74. 16. Framkvæmdanefnd um framtíðarkönnun á vegum forsætisráðuneytisins. Mannfjöldaspá til ársins 2020. I: Gróandi þjóðlíf. Mannfjöldi, heilbrigði, byggð og umhverfi og framtíðarsýn æskufólks fram yfir aldamót. Reykjavík, 1987 Sérrit I: 963. 17. Pétursson P. Að lækna með sýklalyfjum - mjótt er mundangs hófið. Læknablaðið 1986; 72: 44-51.
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